
incompetence n.1.無能,不熟練。2.不適當,不勝任,不夠格。3.法...


One answer would be the admiral byng solution , in memory of the sailor executed for incompetence ; let a big bank go bust “ to encourage the others ” 船長拜恩方案(為了紀念因瀆職而被處死的水手)不失為答案之一;讓一家大銀行倒閉以謀求殺雞儆猴之效。

Instead , washington ' s ideological hubris and practical incompetence have succeeded only in setting the region ablaze , awakening extremist and militant voices 相反,華盛頓的傲慢及辦事不力不僅使該地區燃起戰火,還喚醒了極端主義和好戰分子的勢力。

If one lesson from the wasted bush years is that needless division is bad , another is that incompetence is perhaps even worse 在布什執政的這被浪費掉得幾年里得到了兩個教訓,一個是無用的分歧是錯誤的,另一個更成問題的是不稱職。

Another is incompetence , notably the government ' s slow response to the asian tsunami of december 2004 , in which 543 swedes died 另外一點則是無能,尤其是政府對2004年12月亞洲海嘯事件的反應遲緩, 543名瑞典人死于那次災難。

The record contains some success , but mostly failure ; some effective leadership , but largely official incompetence and betrayal 他們的記錄中有成功者,但多數是失敗的;有高效率的領導,但多半的人在職務上無能和不講信用。

Mr tsui reminded market practitioners that “ investors may forgive , though reluctantly , an investment failure because of technical incompetence 徐先生提醒業界:投資者雖則不愿意,也許會原諒因技術上錯誤而導致投資失敗。

If one lesson from the wasted bush years is that needless division is bad , another is that incompetence is perhaps even worse 如果布什時期毫無意義的階層區分給了公眾一個教訓的話,那么言而無信帶給人們的傷害將會更大。

Glass gm . prevention of recurrent saphenofemoral incompetence after surgery for varicose veins . br j surg , 1989 , 76 : 1210 趙軍,董國祥.應用聚四氟乙烯戴戒治療原發性下肢深靜脈瓣膜功能不全.臨床外科雜志, 1997 , 5 : 156 - 157

Panur is often judgmental about the level of incompetence among his fellow demons , and has been known to eradicate those who fail him 在他的魔鬼同伙中,潘納常常裁決弱者,并以殺死自己的手下敗將而聞名。

So wavelet transformation is the result of classic fourier transformation ' s incompetence in signal processing 小波變換是應傳統的傅里葉變換不能夠滿足信號處理的要求而產生的。

In any hierarchy , each individual rises to his own level of incompetence , and then remains there 在任何等級制度中,每個獨立個體都會遷升到力所不能及的職務,然后就呆在那兒了。

Tell the manager he ' ll have a real problem on his hands if i miss my flight because of this hotel ' s incompetence 請轉告經理,假如由于賓館服務不到位導致我誤了班機,他得負責。

A statement that every employee in a hierarchy tends to rise to the level of his or her incompetence 一種認為在等級森嚴的公司里,每個職員都想升到其無法勝任的位置的說法。

Max zorin : if you ' re the best they ' ve got , they ' re more likely try and cover up your embarrassing incompetence 佐林:如果你是他們中間最優秀的,他們更會努力掩蓋你的無能。

Its foreign and defence ministries displayed a bumbling incompetence that actively encouraged the argentine folly 外交部和國防部長的無能有力的慫恿了阿根廷的愚蠢。

Investors may reluctantly forgive an investment failure because of technical incompetence 投資者雖然不情愿,但也會原諒因技術錯誤而導致投資失敗的行為。

Dependence on protection by tariffs and laws to “ buy american ” only encourages incompetence 依賴關稅和法律的保護,讓人們?買美國貨?只會鼓勵無能。

Astonishing degree of incompetence among lawyers representing abuse victims in criminal cases 在刑事案件中代理虐待受害者的律師能力低的驚人。

The peter - principle : everybody will be promoted up to his own level of incompetence 彼得原理:每個人都將被提升到他自己沒有能力的水平。