
incommunicado adj.被禁止接觸外界的,(尤指犯人)被單獨監禁的。


People are frequently arrested without warrant and held incommunicado ; torture and other cruel , inhuman and degrading treatment are common , especially during interrogation and in custody awaiting trial 刑求、其他殘忍、非人性和污辱的對待是司空見慣,特別是在問案或待審時的監禁期間。

They have been held incommunicado since then , at an undisclosed location , putting them at serious risk of torture or other ill - treatment 從被抓到現在,他們被關在非常隱密的地方,完全不能和外界接觸,身處于遭受酷刑的惡況中。

The saudi arabian authorities regularly hold detainees incommunicado , when they are frequently tortured and otherwise ill - treated 沙烏地阿拉伯官方經常將被監禁者和外界完全隔離,因為他們常遭到拷問及虐待。

As of right now , he ' s incommunicado 從現在起至少幾天之內

But as of right now , he is incommunicado 但現在,他要被監禁

But as of right now , he ' s incommunicado 不過從現在起,他需要被監禁起來