
incogitable adj.〔罕用語〕不可想像的;不可思議的;難以置信的。


Now , the voip technology is penetrating various fields with incogitable vigor such as ip telephony , video conference and vod system etc . as the important part of the application of the telephony , the call center is aiming to the voip technology with the crm ' s increasing need and the voip technology ' s maturity , the ip call center which was the result of the combining of the voip with the call center technology , not only have a more flexible structure but also have a more powerful function and is a more economical select 目前, voip技術正以超乎想象的活力滲透到各個領域的各種應用,如: ip電話、視頻會議、視頻點播等。作為電話應用重要組成部分的呼叫中心( callcenter ) ,隨著voip技術的出現和完善以及crm需求的不斷發展也自然而然把目光轉移到voip技術上來。 voip技術與callcenter技術相結合產物的ipcallcenter不但結構靈活,更能滿足日趨發展的crm理念的需要,而且在經濟上更加實用,大大節約了建設費用和實現了人力及技術的共享。

On the contrary , if a familiar and ordinary character is placed in a disconnected context , it will become odd and incogitable 而反過來,熟悉和平常的字放入了無文脈關系的語境之中,也變得光怪陸離和匪夷所思起來。