
inclination n.1.傾斜;點頭,鞠躬。2.斜坡,傾度;【數學】傾角;...


He always want to force me to obey his inclination 他總是想逼我服從他的意愿

City groups : evolution mechanism and developmental inclination 演化機理與發展趨向

Machine reamers with edge inclination morse taper shanks 帶刃傾角錐柄機用鉸刀

I ' d never been able to follow my own inclinations 我從來都不能依自己的意愿行事

And he answered me by an inclination of the head 我仿佛對他說:這是我所素描的。

Research on causes of haizi ' s pastoral poem inclination 海子詩歌田園情結成因探析

Machine reamers with edge inclination with parallel shanks 帶刃傾角直柄機用鉸刀

On quot; noble inclination quot; in modern literature 試論現代文學中的貴族化傾向

The majority of us forget in a year or two all that we learnt at school because the conditions of our lives are such as to destroy all inclination for culture or refinement . 我們大多數人出了學校一兩年就把所學的東西全忘了,因為我們的生活條件扼殺了我們對文化教養的愛好。

But at the same time he believed, like grotius, that there is in man also a strong inclination to seek association with other men and to live a peaceful and sociable life in society . 但與此同時,他也象格老秀斯一樣認為,人性中還具為一種追求與他人交往,在社會中過一種和平的社交生活的強烈傾向。

He has chosen his place of residence rather to obey the direction of an old humoursome father, than in pursuit of his own inclinations . 他選擇了這么一個棲身之地,與其說是出自個人愛好,不如說是為了服從脾氣古怪的老父親的命令。

Being shy and retiring persons, with no natural inclination for their part, they lived as much as possible in the solitude sylvan of skuytercliff . 由于性情羞怯,天生不愛交際,他們盡可能住在斯庫特克利夫僻靜的鄉間。

We had talked it over very often, now, and there was some talk of gratifying the inclination of his childhood for the sea . 這件事情我們已經商量過很多次,有時也談到怎樣滿足他小時候就有的航海欲望。

This well-bred woman seldom opened her lips, either to her master or his sister, till she had first sounded them inclinations . 這位素有教養的女人不論對東家還是小姐,不先探準口風是難得開口的。

The inclinations of the earth's axis and the moon's orbit introduce an added complication to the picture we have just described . 地軸與月亮軌道的傾斜給我們剛才描述的情況增添了額外的復雜性。

The latter part of this speech was addressed to mr. gradgrind, who received it with a grave inclination of his head . 以上的話的最后半段,是對葛擂硬先生講的,葛擂硬一本正經地低著頭聽完了。

He remembered the stories told of his grandfather-of his strong views, unorthodoxy and scientific inclinations . 他記得關于他祖父的許多故事--他的激烈的見解,非正統的言行和對科學的愛好。

I shall always be your sincere friend, without any inclination to nearer intimacy, when you become my sister . 當你做我弟媳的時候,我將永遠做你忠實的朋友,也不想有什么更密切的關系。

He believed maggie was apt to follow the inclination of the moment without giving consideration to the outcome . 他認為瑪吉容易一時沖動,隨心所欲而不顧后果。