
incident n.1.(政治性)事故;事變。2.偶發事件,某事件的附隨...


He strongly requested the avoidance of incidents involving cambodian lives . 他強烈要求避免發生危及到柬埔寨人生命的事件。

Some of our relatives looked upon the incident as blot on the family name . 我們家的一些親屬認為這一事件有損我家的聲譽。

An incident electron can knock an inner-shell electron out of a target atom . 一個入射電子能把靶子原子的內層電子撞出來。

Time and incidents had played along, had seemed to collaborate with me . 時間和各種事件均在順利進行,仿佛是配合我似的。

A host of unrelated incidents drove him to this destructive view . 大量的孤立的事實使他產生了這樣一種極其危險的看法。

Scattering angle is the angle between the scattered and incident directions . 散射角是散射方向與入射方向之間的夾角。

She did not so easily dislodge the incident from her consideration . 她卻沒那么容易就把這件事從她的思想里驅走。

He could never get the incident of the piece of string out of his mind . 他的頭腦中總是擺脫不了這根繩子的事件。

Airlines took the view that stowaway incidents should not happen . 航空公司認為偷乘飛機這樣的事是不應該發生的。

The incident increased the contradictions between the two countries . 這一事件加深了兩個國家之間的矛盾。

The chief incident in the day was the c.o.'s “order group“ . 這一天的重要事件是指揮官的“命令發布會”。

The incident has further increased the tension between the two countries . 該事件導致兩國關系更趨緊張。

An incident like that might very easily lose him his seat . 象這樣一件倒霉事很可能會使他丟掉他的議席。

Dreiser's work is the truth of feeling, and of incident . 德萊塞的作品是感情上的真實,加之情節也真實。

Still, the ec-121 incident was a blessing in disguise . 然而,EC-121事件從另一個方面來說也是一件好事。

He was one of those who make little incidents wherever they go . 他是個不管走到哪總要鬧點小風波的人。

You do not have to write down every little incident in your life . 你不必把生活中每一件事都記錄下來。

A star is defined as the set of edges incident to a vertex . 一個星形定義為關聯于某個頂點的邊的集合。

It was here that the only violent incident of the day erupted . 就是在這里發生了這天唯一的暴力行為。