
incessant adj.不停的,不斷的。 a week of inces...


During the process , there will be contained incessant innovation in system and be a process of updating 在其發展變遷的過程中必然包含著不斷的制度創新,因而這也是一個升級換代的過程。

If our sleep at night is occupied by incessant dreams , will master still take us up to superior realms to learn our lessons 在夜里頻頻作夢的情況下,師父是否仍會帶我們上去高境界學習?

Kid : mooo - oooom ! there ' s that talking potato with no mouth again . this incessant word play is making me queasy 媽? ?媽!沒長嘴巴的土豆又在瞎扯了,這無休止的文字游戲,我受夠啦!

With the incessant creation of such a group of talents , a continuous operating concept for an enterprise could be obtained 在團隊人才的不斷創新中,達成企業永續經營的信念。

Our country ’ s urbanization is getting faster and faster , which leads to incessant expanding of urban land 我國城市化進程的不斷加快,帶來了城市用地的不斷擴張。

Avoid incessant creation and discarding of thread objects , especially if using threads in abundance 避免不停地創建和刪除線程對象,特別是在大量使用線程的時候。

During winter , the incessant coughing laozhang always cold , physique seems to be particularly weak 每逢冬天,老張總是接連不斷地咳嗽感冒,體質顯得特別虛弱。

The whole district north of the vindhias is the theatre of incessant murders and pillage 文迪亞群山北部的全部地區,就是一個經常發生殺人擄掠事件的地方。 ”

Incessant promotion of the governing capability is a new task faced by the party committees at university 摘要不斷提高執政能力是高校黨委面臨的新課題。

Lucillaeace . commodus , after two weeks in the road , your incessant schemint is hurting my head 安靜,康莫德斯. ,自從上路二周以來,你不斷的疑心搞得我頭痛

Applying quot; jci quot; to obtain incessant improvement of quality administration system in department of pharmacy 進行藥劑科質量管理體系的持續改進

Three fell in the street and were immediately run over and blackened by the incessant vehicles 3張落到了街上,立刻被川流不息的車輛碾成了一團黑。

By enduring its incessant and painful prickling , the clam turns a grain of sand into a pearl 珍珠的形成,皆因蚌能竭力忍受,沙粒不斷刺激的痛苦。

In a line with the redoubt on both sides stood cannons , and these too kept up an incessant fire 由崗兩旁的防線另外有一些大炮,也在不斷地射擊。

He could not walk very fast . he was stiff and lame from the incessant fighting 他行動不便了,因為天天打架,腿僵了,瘸了。

The incessant expansion period was not the original plan for your creation 持續不斷的膨脹期并不是你們創造物的最初藍圖。

Incessant background music makes me punch - drunk after a couple of hours 接連聽了幾個小時的背景音樂,使我覺得昏昏沉沉。

There were other songs , which made incessant mention of “ jordan ' s banks “ 另外還有幾首歌,里面不斷提到“約旦河岸。 ”

Her incessant chatter finally wore me down and i decided to leave 她喋喋不休終于使我筋疲力竭了,于是我決定走開。