
inaudible adj.聽不見的。n.-bility ,-bly adv...


From each of them goes out its own voice , as inaudible as the streams of sound conveyed by electric waves beyond the range of hearing , and just as the touch of a button on our stereo will fill the room with music , so by opening one of these volumes , one can call into range a voice far distant in time and space , and hear it speaking , mind to mind , heart to heart 每本書可以傳播它的聲音,它聽不見,就象電波傳送的聲音流一樣聽不到,但象按下收音的按鈕,音樂充滿房間一樣,所以當打開一種聲音的書,你將進入且探尋在空間和時間上遙遠的聲音,用心真誠的去聆聽。

I think there is some damage right now ( inaudible ) that is recoverable , but i d like to see them home as soon as possible , and i would have liked to have seen them home two days ago , i d like to see them home tomorrow , i d like to see them home as quickly as it can happen , but i don t want to put a timeline on it that triggers something 我認為,現在已經造成了一些損害(聽不清) ,這是可以修復的。但是我希望看到他們盡快回來,我本希望兩天前就已經看到他們回來,我希望明天就看到他們回來,我希望盡快看到他們回來,但是,我不想設定會引發某種情況的時限。

Games at cards languished , players at dominoes musingly built towers with them , drinkers drew figures on the tables with spilt drops of wine , madame defarge herself picked out the pattern on her sleeve with her toothpick , and saw and heard something inaudible and invisible a long way off . thus , saint antoine in this vinous feature of his , until midday 玩紙牌的玩得沒精打采玩骨牌的若有所思地拿牌搭著高塔喝酒的拿灑出的酒在桌上亂畫德伐日太太拿牙簽在他編織的袖子上挑著什么圖案,卻能看見和聽見遠處看不見和聽不見的東西。

This sound is the “ sound beyond this world , “ therefore , it is inaudible to the hearing faculty of ordinary humans . however , all sentient beings can listen to it , except that they will hear different sounds according to their individual levels . everything in the universe vibrates , and so they have sound - even stones have sound 因為這個聲音是佛音,是本性的音,宇宙萬物未生之前,已經有這個聲音了,這個聲音是勝彼世間音,所以用我們凡夫的耳根聽不到,但是任何眾生都能聽,只是隨他等級的不同,聽到不同的聲音而已。

Washington ' s 29 - year - old metro system gets hundreds of complaints a year , most about delayed trains , but complaints of inaudible or unintelligible train announcements are among the biggest gripes , with 168 registered from april 2004 through march of this year , metro spokeswoman candace smith said 有二十九年歷史的華府地下鐵,每年接獲成百上千宗投訴,大多數是關于誤點,但聽不見或聽不懂站名廣播,也名列大宗抱怨之林,從二四年四月到今年三月,就有一百六十八件登記有案的類似抱怨,地鐵發言人坎蒂絲?史密斯說。

From each of them goes out its own voice , as inaudible as the streams of sound conveyed by electric waves beyond the range of our hearing ; and just as the touch of button on our stereo will fill the room with music , so by opening one of these volumes , one can call into range a voice far distant in time and space , and hear it speaking , mind to mind , heart to heart 它們有自己的話語,如同電波傳送的聲音那樣不為人所覺;只要打開一本書,就如按下音響設備的電鈕能讓音樂充滿房間那樣,你能聽見從遙遠時空傳來的話語,讓那顆心靈對著你娓娓道來。

Let me just go back over the reasons for the - - citing them ( inaudible ) . it included not only the noncooperation with our law enforcement efforts , but also the lack of financial controls involving drugs , the inability to eradicate crops along the border with colombia both of opium and coca , and also the use of venezuelan territory for transit of drugs coming into the united states 規定的目標和宗旨,例如采取行動制止毒品的非法種植、生產、發送、銷售、運輸和毒品交易融資,還包括有關禁止洗錢、沒收資產、引渡、聯合法律援助、執法、過境合作、前體化學品控制和抑制需求等方面的措施。

Wth regard to the threshold which used in the algoritlun based on wavelat transform and are determined by experience , we put forward a automatic and adaptive algorithm that can calculate the suitable threshold . this suggested algorithm makes use of the frequency analysis of the psychoacoustic model to make the embedded watermark inaudible . this idea can be used in such sort of watermark embedded algorithins based on wavelet transform 對于使用量化小波系數的加水印的算法,對于其中要由經驗來確定的量化閾值,本文結合心理聲學模型的頻域分析,提出了一種自適應的求量化閾值的方法,這一方法對于其它使用小波變換加水印的算法求閾值都有一定的參考價值。

Well , my name is hondo ( phonetic ) , president of ( inaudible ) university . to be quite frank , i have a feeling that a growing number of the japanese are concerned with the possibility for the very rapid decline of the u . s . dollar in the near future 技術革新刺激經濟增長,但如果知識產權得不到應有的保護,革新將受到損害。日美在知識產權保護上曾進行過有效的合作我特此將這一合作經驗當作可效仿的典范向所有亞洲國家推薦。

S in his cell heard the noise of preparation , - sounds that at the depth where he lay would have been inaudible to any but the ear of a prisoner , who could hear the plash of the drop of water that every hour fell from the roof of his dungeon 唐太斯從他那幽深的地牢里聽到了那準備迎接巡查員的嘈雜的聲音,在地牢里的一般是聽不見的,只有聽慣了蜘蛛在夜的靜寂里織網,凝聚在黑牢頂上的水珠間歇的滴聲犯人的耳朵才能聽得出來。

Have faith in his mercy , she said to him , and indicating a sofa for him to sit down and wait for her , she went herself with inaudible steps towards the door , at which every one was looking , and after almost noiselessly opening it , she vanished behind it 她對他說道,用手指了指小沙發,讓他坐下來等候她,她自己悄悄地向大家盯著的那扇門走去,門的響聲幾乎聽不見,她隨即在門后隱藏起來了。

Following is the transcript english portion of a media stand - up given by the chief secretary for administration , mr donald tsang , after attending the first seminar on constitutional development this may 24 afternoon : reporter : . inaudible 以下為政務司司長曾蔭權今日(五月二十四日)下午在香港會議展覽中心出席政制發展研討會后向新聞界發表的談話全文(中文部分) :

A plastic coating repels moisture . water repels oil . sk telecom said subscribers can pay 3 , 000 won us 2 . 50 to download a sound wave that is inaudible to human ears but annoys mosquitoes within a range of three feet 韓國鮮京電信sk表示定制用戶可以花費3000韓元合2 . 54美元下載一種聲波,這種聲波人耳察覺不到,但可以在3英尺范圍內驅趕蚊蟲。

The frequency analysis of the psychoacoustic model can give the inaudible , redundan elements of audio . in this paper we employ it to guarantee the inaudibility of the embedded watermark 心理聲學模型的時頻域分析主要用于音頻數據的壓縮編碼,這里主要考慮將其用于音頻水印算法中去,以便從理論的角度來考慮嵌入水印的不可感知性。

Sk telecom co . said subscribers can pay 3 , 000 won us . 50 to download a sound wave that is inaudible to human ears but annoys mosquitoes within a range of three feet 本文來自news . jewelove . net英語新聞學習http : news . jewelove . net韓國鮮京電訊公司表示,定制此項服務的用戶只需花3000韓元合2 . 50美元便可下載一種聲波。

“ everything is possible , “ said monte cristo , rising from the bench on which he had been sitting ; “ even , “ he added in an inaudible voice , “ even that the procureur be not dead . the abb “的確,一切事情都是可能的, ”基督山離開了他所坐的長凳,站起身來, “甚至” ,他低聲接著說道, “或許那位檢察官并沒有死。

Sk telecom said subscribers can pay 3 , 000 won ( us $ 2 . 50 ) to download a sound wave that is inaudible to human ears but annoys mosquitoes within a range of three feet 韓國鮮京電信( sk )表示定制用戶可以花費3000韓元(合2 . 54美元)下載一種聲波,這種聲波人耳察覺不到,但可以在3英尺范圍內驅趕蚊蟲。

However , because people are very sensitive to the audio signals , so it is always the research key and important points for keeping inaudible of the audio digital watermarks 但由于人耳對音頻信號特別敏感,所以保持音頻數字水印的隱蔽性一直是音頻水印技術研究的難點和重點。

Have 4 monkeys , the first covers the eye was lost sight of , the 2nd covers mouth did not talk , the 3rd stems ear is inaudible , the 4th grasps a mobile phone laugh 有四只猴子,第一只捂住眼睛看不見了,第二只捂住嘴巴不說話了,第三只堵住耳朵聽不見了,第四只握著手機笑了。