
inadvisable adj.不可取的,不妥當的;不明智的;不慎重的。n.-b...


Facing so much burden of taxation , a lot of enterprises have already realized that , with the tax policy in our country perfected more and more , the system of tax revenue levied and managed more and more tight today , evading taxes , owing taxes and resisting taxes are already obviously inadvisable 面對如此多的稅負,很多企業已經認識到在國家的稅收政策越來越完善、稅收征管體制越來越嚴密的今天,偷稅、欠稅、抗稅等行為已明顯不可取,唯有納稅籌劃才是企業節稅的最佳途徑。

Highly unlikely , of course , there was even a shadow of truth in the stories and , even supposing , he thought a return highly inadvisable , all things considered 至于“石頭”的說法,那當然更是捕風捉影了。即便有這么回事,考慮到各方面的情況,他也絕不會認為回國是妥善之舉。

For people with photosensitivity disorders , or anyone with a personal or family history of non melanoma skin cancer , any amount of extra sun exposure would be inadvisable 對于有光敏癥的人們,或者有個人或家族缺黑素瘤皮膚癌歷史的人,不建議進行任何量的額外陽光照射。

But it is inadvisable to adopt too high substrate temperature . so to control the substrate temperature in an appropriate range is very important 但是過高的基片溫度對薄膜的結構和性能都不利,所以控制溫度在一定的范圍內非常重要。

Given the sensitive nature of the information in the keystore , even placing it on a shared network accessible file system is inadvisable 考慮到密鑰存儲庫中信息的敏感性,即使將它放在可通過網絡訪問的共享文件系統中,也是不妥當的。

Products quality was a global issue , the ministers said , it was inadvisable to overplay the quality issue of chinese exports 產品質量是各國共同面對的挑戰,不應過度關注和夸大中國產品質量問題。

It is therefore inadvisable to use electrolytic , paper or plastic film capacitors for decoupling at high frequencies 這種結構的電容具有相當大的自感,而且當頻率超過幾兆赫時主要起電感的作用。

It is inadvisable , therefore , to rely on the stability of high value resistors for the performance of a system 因此,讓系統的性能依賴于高阻值電阻的穩定性的做法是不可取的。

Inadvisable practicing the system of eliminating the finality through selection in the personnel system management in universities 高校人事制度管理中不宜實行末位淘汰制

This working method , which is related to that used especially for running movements , is inadvisable 這個“分片包干”的工作方法,是同那種專搞運動的方法有關,是不好的。

An overnight use of air conditioner in summer , closely relating with facial paralysis , is inadvisable 夏天開空調過夜很容易引起面部神經麻痹,因此最好不要通宵使用

Applying mosquito coil incense to household use relating to infant brain development is inadvisable 嬰幼兒大腦尚未發育完善,因此,家庭不宜使用蚊香等

It 's inadvisable to overemphasize this point . 這一點不宜過分強調。