
inadvertent adj.1.疏忽的;漫不經心的。2.出于無心的,非故意的...


The full measure of security available through technology should be used to prevent misuse or inadvertent access . this should include the use of pins , authentication protocols , encryption , and the segregation of multi - use applications to prevent possible merging or matching of various databases 此等保安系統包括使用私人密碼( pin ) 、身分鑒別規約( authenticationprotocals ) 、加密法( encryption ) ,以及將多用途的應用程式分隔,避免不同的資料庫出現合并或核對的情況。

In the part of the summary , the thesis studies first how presumption of knowledge in legislation and jurisdiction is applied at home and abroad , with the conclusion that in main china it is primarily employed to presume the special knowledge and it mainly falls into category of judicial presumption . then the author explores and defines the concept of presumption of knowledge as a kind of rule or method of identifying the mental fact of knowledge at the time of commitment , which is inferred from and determined by some determined basic facts . then follows the discussion about the relations between presumption of knowledge and other categories such as careless and inadvertent negligence and strict liability 文章在“概述”部分,首先考察了明知推定現象在國外及我國立法、司法中的適用情況,得出明知推定在我國大陸主要用來推定特定之明知,種類上主要是司法推定;然后探討了明知推定的概念,將其界定為:基于確定的基礎事實而推知和確定行為人實施行為時,存在明知的心理事實的一種認定法則或者認定方法。

The guidance note recommends good practices to mobile service operators when they handle new account applications to ensure data accuracy , security measures that could be implemented to avoid inadvertent disclosure of customers account records to unrelated third parties and actions that should be taken when they engage third party agents to take recovery action in respect of overdue account payments 有關指引資料列舉流動電話服務供應商在處理開戶申請時,可確保資料準確性的良好行事方式、可避免在不經意情況下向無關的第三者披露顧客的戶口記錄資料所實施的保安措施,以及在雇用第三者代理人追收欠帳時所應采取的行動。

As a result , while we strive to protect your personal information and privacy , we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you disclose or transmit to us online and cannot be responsible for the theft , destruction , or inadvertent disclosure of your personal information 所以,當我們在盡力保護您的個人信息和隱私的同時,我們不能保證您通過網上傳送給我們的個人信息會不受盜竊、銷毀、或不經意的泄露,也無法對此承擔任何責任。

Professional photographers generally regard inadvertent surrealism in a photograph as a curse rather than a blessing ; magazine photographers , in particular , consider themselves fortunate to the extent that they can minimize its presence in their photographs 專業攝影師通常認為在一張照片中不經意出現的超現實主義是一種詛咒而非祝福;特別地,雜志攝影師認為他們非常幸運他們能將它在照片中的出現降到最低。

In the case of a pre - loading device or system , a full technical description of the construction and function including any sensing device , describing the method of activation and any necessary method to avoid inadvertent activation 在預載裝置或系統中,應包括全部技術描述,裝置(系統)結構、包括傳感裝置在內的功能描述(驅動方式以及避免疏忽的必要方式) 。

Threats to computing systems are circumstances that have the potential to cause loss or harm ; human attacks are examples of threats , as are natural disasters , inadvertent human errors , and internal hardware or software flaws 對計算機系統的威脅是引起安全喪失或傷害的環境;人們的攻擊是威脅的例子,如自然災害,人們非故意錯誤和硬件或軟件缺陷等。

For simple and inadvertent omission or understatement of income or making an incorrect statement in respect of a claim for an allowance or deduction , the department will make reference to the following penalty loading scale 如漏報或少報入息是出于無心之失,又或在申請免稅額或扣除項目時作出不確陳述,本局會參照下列加徵罰款比率級別評定罰款額:

Without a doubt , a host of our genes influence aging , but they do so indirectly , as an inadvertent by - product of processes involved in growth , development , and the maintenance of health and vigor 毫無疑問,我們有許多基因會影響老化,但這些作用都不是直接的,而是在生長、發育以及維持健康活力過程中的無心副作用。

In these cases , inadvertent use of the device specific functionality with the full . net framework will cause a runtime exception rather than an application loading exception 在這些情況下,若在. net framework全功能版中無意中使用了設備特定的功能,則會出現運行時異常而不是應用程序加載異常。

Sanguinetti said she did not know which military unit was involved . she said an investigation is under way but it appears guards handled the inadvertent intrusion correctly 桑奎內提說,她不清楚是哪個軍事單位涉及此事。她說,調查正在進行中,不過顯然守衛人員對于這起誤闖事件處理得當。

If there are high voltage cables running anywhere near the data cables , the potential for a fault condition exists as a result of insulation failures or inadvertent contact by an installer 如果數據電纜附近有高壓電纜經過,在諸如絕緣失效、意外接觸設備,則會存在故障電勢。

Isolate the non - conforming / suspect material to prevent inadvertent use , utilizing a robust process to effectively identify and segregate and include all hidden factories 隔絕不一致/可疑材料,以防止疏忽使用,使用一個完備的過程來有效確認和隔離所有包含在內的隱藏因素

Every effort has been made to provide up - to - date facts but the hktb shall not be responsible for any inadvertent mistakes , omissions or information changes 我們盡可能提供最新最快的資訊,但香港旅游發展局對任何意外錯漏或資料更改,一概恕不負責。

Enhanced security - multiple safeguards are provided against inadvertent stance release , ie the knee is less likely to buckle at crucial moments 提高安全性? ?為預防意外的支撐期阻尼釋放提供了多種安全措施,膝關節在重要時刻絆倒的可能性更小。

Conclusion : orbital compartment syndrome may occur as a consequence of inadvertent pressure on the globe due to improper position during spinal surgery 結論:在全身麻醉中因為不適當的姿勢所給予眼球的不正常壓力可能會導致眼窩腔室癥候群。

Before enabling the http - get or http - post protocols for a web service , you should be aware that doing so might expose it to inadvertent invocation 在對web服務啟用http - get或http - post協議前,應當注意這樣做可能會向意外調用公開該服務。

Hand in friendly inadvertent meeting to kill a man dead , if you do not have efficient way to let him change , you should choose to leave 交友不慎會害死一個男人,假如你沒有有效的辦法讓他改變,你應該選擇離開

By default , this property is disabled to prevent inadvertent behavior changes by updates made to the operating system 默認情況下,禁用此屬性,以防止更新程序因疏忽而對操作系統( os )的行為進行更改。