
inactive adj.1.不活動的,不活躍的;遲鈍的;懶散的。2.沒事...


Wake to stir , as from a dormant or inactive condition rouse 激發,喚醒,如從休眠或不活躍的狀態之中激醒

Bricks for floors , statically inactive 無靜力作用地板磚

That is the color of the background of an inactive window s title bar ,它是非活動窗口標題欄的背景色。

Makes active all connections on a web page that are currently inactive 激活網頁上當前所有非活動連接。

That is the color of the text in an inactive window s title bar ,它是非活動窗口標題欄中文本的顏色。

That is the color of the title bar caption of an inactive window ,它是非活動窗口標題欄標題的顏色。

The number of females who were classified as “ inactive “ was 209 被歸類為有不活躍的女性人數是209 。

The number of females who were classified as “ inactive “ was 232 被歸類為不活躍的女性人數是232 。

Babies are more of a liability than the inactive aged 嬰兒與不能工作的老年人相比,更是一個負擔。

The number of persons who were classified as “ inactive “ was 338 被歸類為有不活躍的人數是338 。

The number of persons who were classified as “ inactive “ was 425 被歸類為不活躍的人數是425 。

Connect button , the call waiting service will be inactive for 來連線,來電候接服務會暫時中止。

Structure that is the color of an inactive window s border 結構,它是非活動窗口的邊框的顏色。

You have been inactive for a long time ( apporximately 3 minutes ) 你大概3分鐘沒有使用計算機。

A form becomes inactive under the following circumstances 在下列情況下窗體會變為非活動窗體:

Some animals are inactive during the daytime 有些動物白天不活動

Recovering from the loss of an inactive redo log group 從不活動的重做日志組的丟失中恢復。

The body has been inactive for six years 六年來,該組織一直無所作為。

Inactive torrents are automatically deleted after 40 days 超過40天的種子文件自動刪除