
impunity n.不受懲罰,無罪;無事,不受損失。 with impu...


Then he added , “ monsieur , you may rest assured i shall perform my duty impartially , and that if he be innocent you shall not have appealed to me in vain ; should he , however , be guilty , in this present epoch , impunity would furnish a dangerous example , and i must do my duty . 我記得他是在一個酒店里被捕的,當時有許多人同他在一起,假如他是冤枉的,那你的求情一定不會落空的,但是如果他有罪,那也只能施以懲罰。否則在目前這個時期,有罪不懲可太危險了,我不得不行使我的職權。 ”

Then , too , my father is not a person whose orders may be infringed with impunity ; protected as he is by his high position and firmly established reputation for talent and unswerving integrity , no one could oppose him ; he is all - powerful even with the king ; he would crush you at a word 而且,我的父親不會對那些違背了他的命令而不加以責罰的。他極不喜歡我,也會極不喜歡你的,甚至對國王也是如此。因為他過去的歷史是無可指摘的,而他的地位又幾乎是不可動搖的。

I do not want to stop people cycling but i do want them to realise that the green halo hovering over their helmets does not put them in a special category of road users to whom no laws apply , any more than cycling to the supermarket gives them the right to shoplift with impunity 我無意阻止人們騎車,可我確實希望騎車族能夠認識到,頭盔上環繞的綠色光環,并不能讓他們成為不用遵守交通法規的特殊群體,就像不能因為騎自行車去超市就有權偷東西而不受罰一樣。

Since then , there have been “ no efforts in the united states to go up the chain of command - they ' ve basically been given impunity from any investigation or prosecution , “ said michael ratner , president of new york ' s center for constitutional rights , which is behind the litigation 提起訴訟的律師稱,被告們“指揮協助或教唆”戰爭罪行,或是“作為政府高官或軍隊指揮官,沒能制止下屬或對下屬作出懲處” 。這些都是德國法律明文規定屬于戰爭罪行的行為。

There are some very limited exceptions : union organisers can complain about the bosses with impunity ; whistleblowers are protected if they air grievous abuses in the workplace ; and government employees have special protection from censorship 有一些非常有限的例外:工會組織者們可以抱怨老板而不受懲罰;若能揭發工作場所的嚴重弊端,告密者會受到保護;政府雇員可以受到特殊保護而免遭審查。

The game has a punishing “ karma ” system in which players that constantly attack other players out of the blue become outlaws who may be counterattacked and actually lose their items , while everyone else can attack outlaws with impunity 游戲內對于常常攻擊其它玩家的玩家有著懲罰性的正義值系統,犯罪者非常有可能被追殺并且損失物品,因為其它所有玩家可以不受懲罰的攻擊這些犯罪者。

Torture is a criminal offence in yemen , but it has continued to take place at the hands of the security forces as a result of the practice of incommunicado detention and impunity enjoyed by alleged perpetrators 拷問在葉門是一種違法行為,但由于當地監禁期間禁止和外界聯系,且這些不法的犯罪者往往不會受到逞罰,因此拷問的情形在當地軍政府掌管之下依然層出不窮。

This figures speak for themselves and are especially impressive after the experience of complete impunity and government omission . these facts destroyed the myth of inviolability of public officials 上述數字本身就是反貪工作的有力證明,對于那些向來不用擔心受懲處和受政府監管的人來說,更具震撼力。

All would pay deference to an officer like you , with a fierce mustache and a long sabre , but they think they may crush a poor weeping girl with impunity . 人們對象你這么一位掛著一把長長的指揮刀蓄著一臉威猛小胡子的軍官總是很尊敬的,但認為欺負我這樣一個只會哭泣可憐的姑娘是沒什么了不起的。 ”

When slobodan milosevic was put on trial for war crimes at a special tribunal at the hague , one motive was to show that heads of state could not shelter behind claims of impunity 當斯洛博丹?米洛舍維奇以戰爭罪被送往海牙接受審判時,人們還希望借此宣布,國家元首(犯了戰爭罪)也沒有豁免權。

It seemed certain fogg would not stop at yokohama , but would at once take the boat for san francisco ; and the vast extent of america would insure him impunity and safety 費克斯看得很清楚,福克先生是不會待在橫濱的。他一定會馬上乘上開往舊金山的郵船,逃往美洲大陸。

By the methods of xrd , epma , metallographic examination , material quality and impunity analyses , the main reason about the characteristic of penetration and distribution was confirmed 斷面上穿孔分布無規律性,上中下部位均有,沿管道軸向有相對分段集中的特點。

But it was utter hubris for hizbullah to believe that , with its rockets in reserve , its fighters could keep crossing into israel with impunity 但是真主黨實在是太狂妄了,他們認為只要有這些儲備的火箭,他們的“戰士”就可以泰然地繼續進入以色列境內。

Major uwsa traffickers continue to operate with apparent impunity in burma and their involvement in methamphetamine production and trafficking remains a serious concern 佤邦聯合軍繼續在緬甸公然進行活動,參與生產和販運脫氧麻黃鹼,構成嚴重問題。

But it was utter hubris for hizbullah to believe that , with its rockets in reserve , its fighters could keep crossing into israel with impunity 但是真主黨自恃手中握有火箭便以為能在以色列進出自如不受懲罰的想法也未免太過于狂妄自大了。

Their disposition to comply voluntarily will diminish as they learn that others are with impunity renouncing burdens they are assuming 若他們得知其他人拒絕承擔他們正承受的負擔而免受懲罰,他們自愿服從的意向也會減少。

“ but surely , “ said she , “ i may enter his county with impunity , and rob it of a few petrified spars without his perceiving me . 她說: “我一定可以大搖大擺地走進他的故鄉,趁他不知不覺的時候,攫取幾塊透明的晶石。 ”

Triads had blossomed during the occupation and arrogantly ran drugs , vice and gambling rackets with seeming impunity 在日治期間,三合會乘機活躍,明目長膽地經營毒品買賣、淫業及賭窟,看似無法無天。

A judicial system can suffer no greater lack of credibility than a perception that its order can be flouted with impunity 藐視法院命令無罪的想法,對司法威信傷害無與倫比。