
improbable adj.1.未必有的,不大可能發生的;罕見的。2.【物理...


Tiruchengode , india ? as its technology companies soar to the outsourcing skies , india is bumping up against an improbable challenge 印度tiruchengode報道- - -在印度科技公司外包服務急劇增長之際,它也日益面臨著前所未有的質疑。

Face tells the story of a woman s resolute and improbable quest for freedom . masako , an awkward , withdrawn woman , kills her sister in an explosion of 一天,母親死了,她終于忍受不住時髦妹妹的訕笑,索性把她也送去給母親作伴。

Tiruchengode , india ? as its technology companies soar to the outsourcing skies , india is bumping up against an improbable challenge 印度?由于印度的技術公司承接外包服務的份額逐漸上升,目前印度正面臨著不可能的挑戰。

Africa , from the deep mystery of the forests to the improbable vastness of deserts , folding into the shadow of giants , mountains 非洲,從原始森林的極其神秘到沙漠的難以置信的無邊無際。它孕育著各種野生動物和群山。

I guarantee that the town of smolensk is not in the slightest danger , and it is improbable that it should be threatened in any way “我向您保證,斯摩棱斯克城現在還沒有面臨絲毫的危險,可能受到威脅也令人難于置信。

But in this city of constant surprises , getting back to nature in the deserted wilderness is not as improbable as it may sound 雖說香港很少與陽光海灘拉上關系,但要在香港尋找這類旅游驚喜,又不是那么沒有可能。

If not ? if , according to the multiverse theory , we live in an improbable universe ? then the theory is in trouble 如果不是(如果,根據多重宇宙理論,我們生活在一個發生機率很低的宇宙) ,那麼這個理論就有麻煩了。

Tiruchengode , india ? as its technology companies soar to the outsourcing skies , india is bumping up against an improbable challenge 印度,雖然科技公司的外包業務越來越多,但是印度正面臨一個不可能的挑戰。

“ within the last two decades a potential has emerged which was improbable , but which is now marginally feasible “在最近20年里,一個曾被人為不可能的潛在可能浮現出來,但它現在在邊際是可行的。

As its technology companies soar to the outsourcing skies , india is bumping up against an improbable challenge 當印度技術公司在外包行業中扶搖直上之時,這個國家卻突然遇到一個不太可能的挑戰。

Ronaldinho ? incidental beauty is more obvious , more gaudy ; an ability to do improbable things with body and with ball 小羅的偶然之美則更加明顯,更加華麗,他能用球和身體作出不可思議之動作。

When you have eliminated the impossible , whatever remains , however improbable must be the turth 去除掉所有不可能的因素,留下來的東西… …無論你多么不愿意去相信… …但它就是真相! !

Wisdom consists in the ability to discriminate between the probable and improbable , and being reconciled to the inevitable 智慧在于辨別可能與不可能,并能順應不可避免的事情。

In 1988 , a rude hash bar owner nearly runs over a gay student , starting an improbable friendship between the two 他有了令海外基民妒忌到死的合法丈夫,他和女友分手后患上癌病。

Two things could still help arrest its slide into anarchy , improbable though both now seem 兩件事可以把巴基斯坦從無政府主義懸崖邊上拉回來,雖然這兩件事現在看起來都不太可能。

Wisdom consists in the ability to discriminate between the probable and improbable , and in being reconciled to the inevitable 智慧在于辨別可能與不可能并順應不可避免的事情。

The same story , muttered the jeweller ; and improbable as it seemed at first , it may be true 說得一樣!珠寶商自言自語地說道,這個故事最初似乎令人難以置信,但或許倒是真的。

But who can rule out the notion that the most improbable alternative might be the only one possible 但說不定最離奇的選擇反而卻是唯一的答案呢;誰也不能排除這種可能性。

Whenever you have eliminated the impossible , whatever remains , however improbable , must be the truth 當排除掉不可能的情況時,剩下的看上去無論多么不可能,必定是真相。