
impressionistic adj.印象的,印象主義的,印象派的。adv.-tica...


The company is mainly provide a full range of services for landscape design , engineering industries , including : make drawings ( realism , impressionistic , cartoon , hand - painted ) , small garden design , make and design bids , publishing , marketing information , multimedia production , animation production , project design and consulting , design information consultation and so on 公司主要為園林設計、裝飾裝修、工程行業提供多方面的服務項目,包括:效果圖(寫實、寫意、卡通、手繪等)制作,小型園林方案設計,標書設計制作,圖書出版,資料銷售,多媒體制作,動畫制作,項目設計咨詢,設計行業信息咨詢和施工建設等。

In the grapes of wrath steinbeck has achieved an interesting contrapuntal effect by breaking the narrative at intervals with short , impressionistic passages recorded as though by a motion picture camera moving quickly from one scene to another and from one focus to another 在《憤怒的葡萄》一書中,斯坦貝克不時打斷故事的敘述,插進一些簡練的、印象式的段落,取得有趣的對位襯托效果,仿佛是在用一架電影照相機作紀錄似的,很快從一幕場景換為另一幕場景,從一個焦點轉到另一個焦點。

Steichen ' s 42cm by 40cm photograph , from the collection of the wealthy american industrialist howard gilman , is a dreamy , moonlit landscape with reflections of trees in a pond . as an image it is rather beautiful , bearing the impressionistic quality of early photography ; an experiment exploring the limits of the photographic plate 作為斯泰肯早期風景攝影中的經典之作,池塘月光細膩的層次感與攝影家對色彩與光澤的精妙把握,充分證明了攝影可以像油畫一樣傳遞出豐富的情緒和內涵。

Every tree or tower could be recycled in a new context , for it was the impressionistic realm chor yuen was interested in . it was a realm of ancient , distant times of worldly intrigues , in which the essence of chivalrous knights - errant was more important than historical accuracy . the studio then became the perfect environment to conjure up these metaphorical backdrops in which the dark drama of human deception could be played out 一樓一閣,一樹一木,盡可循環再用,因為楚原要經營的是一種寫意的境界,描述渺遠的古代俠客世界,只取其神髓,跨過歷史,利用片廠的可塑性,變化出種種江湖風景,用以烘托波譎云詭的人心。

The company is mainly provide a full range of services for landscape design , engineering industries , including : make drawings ( realism , impressionistic , cartoon , hand - painted ) , small garden design , make and design bids , publishing , marketing information , multimedia production , animation production , project design and consulting , design information consultation and so on 公司主要為園林設計、工程行業提供多方面的服務項目,包括:效果圖(寫實、寫意、卡通、手繪等)制作,小型園林方案設計,標書設計制作,圖書出版,資料銷售,多媒體制作,動畫制作,項目設計咨詢,設計行業信息咨詢等。

The superlativeperformance style sets the stage for the combination of feeling andscenes , juxtaposing the real and the imagined , and creating acoexistence of impressionistic and realistic techniques built in thecompact time and space of 120 min and 500 square meters 在120分鐘簡潔時間和500平米簡約時空中,構筑起情景交融、虛實相生、寫實與寫意并存的極致景觀。

Impressionism has long been one of the most popular art movements . van gogh ' s impressionistic paingting entitled “ dr . gachet “ was purchased for a world record $ 85 millon by japanese investor 長久以來,印象主義一直是最具有引導影響力的藝術運動之一。凡高的印象派創作作品《蓋什醫生大夫》被一名日本資金投資商以8500萬美元的天價購的。

P > impressionism has long been one of the most popular art movements . van gogh ' s impressionistic paingting entitled “ dr . gachet “ was purchased for a world record $ 85 millon by japanese investor 長期以來,印象主義一直是最具有影響力的藝術運動之一。凡高的印象派作品《蓋什醫生》被一名日本投資商以8500萬美元的天價購得。

Impressionism has long been one of the most popular art movements . van gogh ' s impressionistic paingting entitled “ dr . gachet “ was purchased for a world record $ 85 millon by japanese investor 長期以來,印象主義一直是最具有影響力的藝術運動之一。凡高的印象派作品《蓋什醫生》被一名日本投資商以8500萬美元的天價購得。

“ the abstract design makes impressionistic references to the spirit of modern architecture in hong kong . it also captures elements of festive and cultural activities in hong kong and china , “ mr yam said 任志剛說:抽象設計是參考香港的現代建筑藝術的精神,以及中港兩地多采多姿的節日慶典及文化活動的特色。

Its design is rather abstract , making impressionistic references to modern architecture as well as to elements of festive and cultural activities in hong kong 拾元新鈔采用抽象設計,反映香港現代建筑藝術的精神,以及香港多采多姿的節日慶典及文化活動的特色。

A bold , unrepentant leap into impressionistic narrative , she twists the story of jean - luc nancy to an unrecognisable form via orgiastic imagery and brooding music 他從銀行提走巨款,換過心臟,越洋到了大溪地替前半生算賬,包括尋找狂情后撇下的混血兒子。

Her paintings are impressionistic in style and abstract at times , but not given to details in terms of variations in light and shade 無上師的油畫采印象派的表現方式,但有時也帶抽象性。雖有印象派的畫風,但在光影上并不講究細膩的處理。

It also may be classified as impressionistic , because of the vibrant light , radiating on each branch , leaf , flower and the distant horizon 美景一畫又屬于印象派,是因為那蕩漾的光,閃耀在每一樹枝每朵花及天涯中。

Introduction : impressionistic picture really , very good , but you want in a specified time , to find five different 畫面真的很寫意,很好看,只不過你要在規定時間內,找出5個不同之處。

Impressionistic picture really , very good , but you want in a specified time , to find five different 畫面真的很寫意,很好看,只不過你要在規定時間內,找出5個不同之處。

Impressionistic in style , her art places little emphasis on refined variations of light and shade 她的畫雖具有印象派風格,但并不講究細膩的光影處理。

On quot; garden as painting quot; reflected in the literati impressionistic gardens of ancient china 在中國古代文人寫意山水園中的體現

Many conservatives in the early 1900 ' s thought impressionistic art was decadent 20世紀初,許多保守主義者認為印象派的藝術是頹廢的。