
impostor n.冒名頂替者;騙子。


A first situation in which you should recreate your impostor texture is if the screen - space bounding rectangle changes size 第一種情形是當你屏幕空間的包圍矩形改變大小的時候,需要重新創建視點替用特效紋理。

The cemetery says the impostor had the same name , social security number and military credentials as the real man 墓園的工作人員說冒牌者擁有和真實的人(真人)一樣的名字,社會安全號以及軍隊信用(軍人證) 。

This means that the camera ' s distance to the object is changing , so the impostor ' s resolution may need to change as well 其意味著照相機到對象之間距離的改變,因此視點替用特效的分辨率也可能發生適當的改變。

This means that the camera ' s distance to the object is changing , so the impostor ' s resolution may need to change as well 其意味著照相機到對象之間距離的改變,因此視點替用特效的解析度也可能發生適當的改變。

The catch is that while sprites are usually drawn by artists , impostors are rendered at run - time , by the 3d engine itself 但請把握住精靈是由美工手繪完成的,而視點替用特效則是由3d引擎本身實時進行渲染。

The cemetery says the impostor had the same name , social security number and military credentials as the real man 公墓方面稱這是一名冒名頂替者,有著和墓地真正主人相同的名字,社會安全號以及軍隊證明。

“ impostor , “ repeated villefort ; “ certainly , madame , you appear to extenuate some cases , and exaggerate others “騙子! ”維爾福重復道, “夫人,您看來是把某些事情輕描淡寫而又把某些事情夸大其辭了。

Some impostor who wished to come into the town barefoot , perhaps , and so excite our sympathies , said miss chant “也許是某個想赤著腳到鎮上去的騙子,想用這種方法引起我們的同情, ”梅茜小姐說。

The cemetery says the impostor had the same name , social security number and military credentials as the real man 管理人員說這個冒名頂替者擁有和真實人一樣的名字,以及社會安全號及軍隊榮譽。

The cemetery says the impostor had the same name , social security number and military credentials as the real man 而公墓方面則稱,這個冒名頂替者與本人有著相同的姓名、社保序號及軍隊憑證。

The cemetery says the impostor had the same name , social security number and military credentials as the real man 墓園工作者解釋說該冒牌者擁有與真人本人一樣的名字、社會安全號及軍人證。

For more discussion on this issue , refer to my article on the impostor type bug pattern , linked in the (要了解對這個問題的更多討論,請參閱我關于impostor type錯誤模式的文章,在

The cemetery says the impostor had the same name , social security number and military credentials as the real man 墓地方面說,冒名者擁有和該男子一樣的姓名,社保號和軍隊文書。

The cemetery says the impostor had the same name , social security number and military credentials as the real man 墓地相關人員表示,他冒名頂替了其他人的社會安全號碼和軍人證。

“ i came to ask you , my friend , “ said the baroness , “ what will be done with this impostor ? “我是來問您,我的朋友, ”男爵夫人說, “您打算怎么處置這個騙子? ”

After all , in order for this trick to work , the impostor has to have a transparent background 歸根結底,這技巧的運作狀況良好,視點替用特效需要帶有透明背景。

Surely , colonel , cried lady ingram , you would not encourage such a low impostor “上校, ”英格拉姆太太叫道, “當然你是不會慫恿這樣一個低級騙子的吧?

The only thing you need to do is make sure the impostor gets updated every now and then 你需要做的唯一的事情就是確保視點替用特效不時地進行更新。

He said he was a wealthy aristocrat , but it subsequently emerged that he was an impostor 他說他是一個富有的貴族,但是隨后暴露出他是一個騙子。