
impossible adj.1.做不到的,不能做的,不可能的。2.不會有的,...

impossible art

Do you want to possess a copy of the examination papers ? it 's impossible . 想搞到考題?

A joint trip would be impossible without disarmament . 沒有裁軍會議,聯合飛行是不可能的。

Impossible to drink this tea, waiter. it is boiling hot . 服務員,這茶沒法兒喝,滾燙的。

Charity is altogether impossible without faith and hope . 沒有信仰和希望,不可能有仁慈。

It was impossible to delay her at such a crisis . 在這樣一個緊要關頭來耽擱她是不可能的。

It was impossible not to see his evident admiration . 對他那明顯的慕戀不可能視而不見。

Her marriage, his departure, made it impossible . 她的婚姻,他的別離,使它不可能實現。

Not at all impossible if you follow my directions . 假若你照我的話去做,不是不可能的。

She talks so much that it is impossible to get a word in . 她說個沒完,別人休想插話。

It is impossible to read his microscopic handwriting . 不可能看清他那極小的書寫筆跡。

Nothing 's impossible and all depends on man . 事在人為,努力干下去,總會贏得勝利的。

It is impossible for man's happiness to consist in wealth . 人的幸福不能依附于財富。

It is impossible to stop him talking once he starts off . 他一打開話匣子就停不住了。

That is a useless , since impossible , proposal . 既然不可能,那就是一個沒用的提議。

It is impossible to avoid the use of leading questions . 不能避免使用啟發性的問話。

What was thought impossible has now been done ... 原來認為辦不到的事,現在辦到了。

It 's impossible to pack so many people into the small room . 小屋擠不下那么多人。

It is quite impossible that i should ask himself . 我去問他本人,那是極不可能的。

A niminy-piminy shyness makes frankness impossible ... 裝模作樣不會是真正的直爽。