
imposition n.1.征稅,課稅;稅,負擔。2.強加,強迫接受。3.〔...


This is of disadvantage in efgm for it complicates the imposition of essential boundary conditions and the application of point loads 因此,本質邊界條件的施加和集中載荷的處理變的復雜。

The immediate result was the execution of fawkes and his fellow - conspirators and imposition of severe anti - catholic laws 結果是福克斯和同伙被立即處死,以及更嚴厲的反天主教法律的頒發。

Growled mr . cruncher , it s you i have got a old grudge again , is it , with your shameful impositions upon tradesmen 克朗徹咕噥道, “我對你早就一肚子氣。你們欺騙生意人,真不要臉!

Super large breadth export with imposition , the largest export breadth can be 50 ? ? 0 square meters 將超過打印機幅面的超大畫面進行分塊輸出,最大輸出幅面可達5050平方米。

Hello , agricultural tax imposition and administration of hangzhou fiscal bureau . what can i do for you 稅務員:您好!杭州市財政局農稅征收管理局。我能為您做點什么?

The evade taxation is to show taxpayer is undesigned not the behavior of capture or imposition of little capture 漏稅是指納稅人并非故意未繳或則少繳稅款的行為。

The committee may , where the respondent is a student , order the imposition of any of the following penalties 1如答辯人為學生,委員會可以對其施加以下的懲罰:

Since no material is perfectly rigid , the imposition of a road always produces a deformation 沒有一種材料是完全剛性的,所以受到荷載作用是材料總會產生變形。

For the implementation details of the imposition of levy , please visit the government information centre for the 有關收取徵款的詳情,可參閱政府資訊中心的

Direct imposition of essential boundary and material discontinuity conditions in the meshless method 在無單元法里直接準確施加位移邊界條件和材料不連續條件

The imposition of heavy emergency custom duties have render our position exceedingly difficult 由于海關征收繁重的緊急關稅,使得我們處于極其困難的境地。

Some blame the imposition of higher tuition fees , others computer chaos at ucas itself 有人指責是高學費惹的禍,也有人認為是ucas內部電腦故障的緣故。

Provisions of the state council concerning imposition of agricultural tax on agricultural speciality income 國務院關于對農業特產收入征收農業稅的規定

An action for the imposition of a fine may be filed by the person who has requested the injunction 課征罰款的上訴得由要求發布禁止命令的個人提出。

The said maw applies to new contracts or renewal of existing contracts . imposition of levy 上述的規定最低工資適用于新簽訂的合約或續訂的現有合約。

The specific measures for imposition of such fees shall be prescribed by the state council 危險廢物排污費征收的具體辦法由國務院規定。

Number of impositions 稅項種類

The rate of imposition is prescribed by the executive yuan in view of economic circumstance 其徵收率,由行政院視經濟環境定之。

Notice of increase in rent on account of increase in rates or imposition of rates 業主因差餉增加或開征須向租客發出的加租通知書