
impose vt.1.征收(稅等),使…負擔。2.強派(工),把…強...


This technique imposes no chance on the main seismic instruments or detectors . 這種技術并不要求改變地震儀或檢波器。

It was an imposing scene, into which deerslayer now found himself advancing . 眼前的場面給殺鹿人留下極其深刻的印象。

Now she was beginning to chafe at the obligations this life imposed . 現在她已開始對這種生活向她索取的代價感到焦躁。

We cannot impose our will upon the other 94 percent of mankind . 我們不能把我們的意志強加于其他百分之九十四的人類。

It imposed an obligation for arms control that we had no right to shirk . 它使軍備控制成為我們不能推卸的義務。

Simkin rubbed his cunning, imposing head with small hands . 辛金用兩只小手揉著他那詭計多端,但極夠威儀的腦袋。

We had never to lose sight of the duty imposed by the nuclear age . 我們始終不能忘記核時代加在我們肩上的責任。

Lucy steele completely imposes upon barton and on the ferrar family . 露西斯蒂爾完全控制了巴頓和費拉爾一家。

Suppose that the united states were to impose a small tariff on bicycles . 假設美國要對自行車征收一種低關稅。

It revealed an aspiration for freedom from imposed limitations . 它表現出沖破種種束縛去追求自由的強烈愿望。

Presuming on his seniority , he always imposes his ideas upon others . 他總是倚老賣老,把他的想法強加于人。

Presuming on his seniority , he always imposes his ideas on others . 他總是倚老賣老,把他的想法強加于人。

To impose a penalty on smoking in the street is a stretch of the law . 對在街上吸煙罰款是對法律的濫用。

To impose a penalty on smoking in the street is a stretch of the law . 對街上吸煙罰款是對法律的濫用。

He imposed heavy penalties for breaches of oath or pledges . 他對違反誓言和保證的行為給予嚴厲的懲罰。

The restraint that she imposed upon herself was often intolerable . 她強加于自身的桎梏常常不可忍受。

They submitted tamely to the conditions imposed upon them . 他們乖乖地忍受強加在他們身上的種種條件。

I have not your imposing appearance, your chin, your brow . 我沒有你那樣的好儀表、好下巴和好前額。

The landlord has imposed a severe stress on the poor tenants . 房東給貧苦的房客們加了很大的壓力。