impermanence n.非永久(性),暫時(性)。
n. 非永久(性),暫時(性)。 “impermanency“ 中文翻譯: 不持久之性質; 非永久“imperlino“ 中文翻譯: 因佩利諾“impermanent“ 中文翻譯: adj. 非永久的,暫時的。 “imperlal sehems“ 中文翻譯: 計上計 經濟版 袋裝“impermanent memory“ 中文翻譯: 非永久記憶,短期記憶“imperl“ 中文翻譯: 因佩爾“impermanently“ 中文翻譯: 不持久地“imperius curse“ 中文翻譯: 奪魂咒; 迷心咒“impermeabe“ 中文翻譯: 透水的“imperiumproco ulare“ 中文翻譯: 行省總督治權
impermanent |
Written originally in aulacese by the supreme master ching hai , this precious collection is now available to poetry lovers for the first time in english . composed before the beginning of supreme master ching hai s formal search for enlightenment in the himalayas , traces of a previous life contains the reflections of a merciful and noble soul living in a world of upheaval and impermanence , love and 前身足跡收錄了清海無上師在前往喜馬拉雅山求道前所創作的詩篇,這些優美的詩文透露了一個仁慈高貴的靈魂在身處紛擾無常愛與戰爭交錯的塵世之際,內心的那份悠悠情懷,也細致地刻劃了作者在生活中的那些交錯著掙扎與期盼憂傷與美麗的時刻 |
As the mandala is made in the spirit of impermanence and non - attachment , it will eventually be ritualistically dismantled and the blessed sand carried to the river , where it will be offered for the benefit of the marine life and the environment 由于曼荼羅是由無常和非附屬的靈魂制造而成,它最終將會被儀式化地拆除以及受祝福的砂流入河川,在那里它將會為海洋生物和環境提供益處。 |
Everyone else was also very grateful to master for protecting their lives , and for giving them the opportunity to continue practicing for liberation and enlightenment so that they will not have to come back to another life of impermanence and suffering 事件發生后,車上每個人都非常感謝師父的保護,讓他們有繼續修行解脫開悟的機會,不必再回來過著無常且苦難的生活。 |
Sometimes , because we , ourselves , cannot perceive the impermanence of the world , god gives us some mishaps , using the so - called shock treatment method to awaken us 有時候,因為我們自己沒有辦法感覺世界無常,所以上帝就送給我們一些災禍,用所謂驚嚇的醫療方式驚醒我們,我們才能甚深地感覺,世界真的不是永久的地方。 |
Taking impermanence truly to heart is to be slowly freed from the idea of grasping , from our flawed and destructive view of permanence , from the false passion for security on which we have built everything 真正體認無常可以慢慢解脫我們的執著,認為萬物有常的錯誤觀念,及將安全感建立在外相上面的謬誤。 |
A skull cup symbolizes cutting through the identification with our body and its endless wants and needs by remembering death impermanence 髏器髏皿象征著斷除眾生對肉體的執著及無始以來的貪欲-其對治的方法是思維死亡及無常。 |
At the same time there has been an unsettling shift in business mores - the end of company loyalty , a permanent sense of impermanence 但在商業道德方面則無法使人安心:對公司的忠誠已不復存在,人們總是惶恐不安。 |
Has my understangding of death and impermanence become so keen and so urgent that i am devotiong every second to the prusuit of enlightenment 我對死亡和無常的認知是否強烈、迫切到每一秒鐘都致力于追求開悟? |
There is not the impermanence cause the pain of us , what do it is that things are impermanent , but we hope they ' re eternal 并不是無常使我們痛苦,使我們痛苦的是,事物本是無常的而我們卻希望它們永恒。 |
One of the chief resons we have so much anguish and difficulty in facing death is that we ignore the truth of impermanence 人們那么難以面對死亡的主要原因,在于對無常實相的無知。 |
Be friendly and righteous to realize the truth . experience joy and suffering to realize the truth of impermanence 有情有義,于情義中,覺悟真理;有甘有苦,在甘苦中,領會無常。 |
Since impermanence to us spells anguish , we grasp on to things desperately , even though all things change 因為無常會帶來痛苦,雖然萬事萬物都會改變,我們還是拼命地執著。 |
Avoid suffering to gain happiness . realize impermanence to gain hope 要遠離苦聚,才能獲得安樂;要知道無常,才能擁有希望。 |
We can ' t stop time , but we can discover impermanence 我們無法停止時間軌道的轉動,但要從中覺悟無常的真諦。 |
Lies the reason for this growing impermanence 有著這持久的暫時的理由。 |
Change , impermanence is characteristic of life 變化和無常是生命的特徵。 |
Light reveals the subtle alteration of things, the sly or calamitous impermanence or mortal life . 事物的細微變動,人生的狡猾,倏忽無常,一一都在光中顯露出來。 |
Solid rock and rushing water reflect the permanence and impermanence of life itself . 堅固的巖石和奔騰的流水反映出生命本身的永恒和短暫。 |