imperishable adj.不滅的,不朽的,永久的。n.-bility ,-...
adj. 不滅的,不朽的,永久的。 n. -bility ,-bly adv. “imperishable glory“ 中文翻譯: 不朽的光榮“imperishable goods“ 中文翻譯: 不腐爛的商品“imperishable night“ 中文翻譯: 東方永夜抄“imperishability“ 中文翻譯: 不滅性; 不朽性; 永恒性“imperiousness“ 中文翻譯: 專橫霸道“imperiously“ 中文翻譯: 傲慢地; 迫切地; 專制地“imperishably“ 中文翻譯: 不滅地; 不朽地“imperious“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.專橫的;傲慢的。 2.迫切的,緊要的。 an imperious manner 自高自大的樣子。 imperious need 緊急的需要。 adv. -ly ,-ness n. “imperitia“ 中文翻譯: 拙劣無能“imperioso“ 中文翻譯: 因佩廖索
imperium |
Lord krsna said : i instructed the imperishable science of uniting the individual consciousness with the ultimate consciousness unto the sun - god surva , who taught it unto his son vaisvastu manu , who related it unto his son king iksvaku 主奎師那說:我曾經把這門將個體意識(知覺)與根本意識(覺知)融合統一的不朽科學教導給太陽神蘇爾瓦,他把它教導給了他的兒子韋斯瓦圖瑪努,韋斯瓦圖瑪努又傳給了他的兒子艾斯瓦庫王。 |
Presently they came to a place where a little stream of water , trickling over a ledge and carrying a limestone sediment with it , had , in the slow - dragging ages , formed a laced and ruffled niagara in gleaming and imperishable stone 不久,他們來到一個地方,那里有股溪流從突出的巖層上流下來,水里有石灰石沉渣,經年累月形成了瀑布一般的景觀。它四周好像嵌著邊,起伏不平,水中的石頭晶瑩閃亮,永不消失。 |
That path which the learned knowers of vedic scriptures declare imperishable into which the great renounced ascetics devoid of sensual desires enters and that which striving to reach the vow of celibacy is maintained ; i shall explain unto you in summation 飽學《呋陀》經典的有識之士,他們都是擯棄了感官欲望的出家的苦行修者,在努力堅守獨身誓言,我會向你總結他們所追循的這條不朽的覺悟之路。 |
When we decide to build a superior imperishable architecture for international political and economic leaders for business and residence use , the french styled manor symbolizing power and noble descent for a hundred years became the perfect choice 當我們決心為世界政經領袖打造一處結合商務及居住的頂級傳世建筑時,沿襲數百年的、象征權利和貴胄血統的法式莊園城堡成為不二之選。 |
And when i ask myself what i mean by england , when i think of england when i am abroad , england comes to me through my various senses through the ear , through the eye , and through certain imperishable scents 當我捫心自問我心中的英格蘭是什么,當我在異國他鄉想起英格蘭時,英格蘭通過我的耳朵,通過我的眼睛,通過種種永駐人間的芬芳,通過我的各種感官來到我的前面。 |
Though we have been spitted by the god , we will still always wander among the darkness with our athanasy and imperishable body bearing the curse , always hold high our heads , and hold the arrogence of us 即使我們遭到了神的唾棄,以不死不滅之身永遠背負著詛咒游走于黑暗之中,也要永遠高昂著我們的頭,保持著屬于我們的那份驕傲。 |
Because i am beyond the perishable and as the ultimate , transcendental to the imperishable as well ; i am celebrated in the worlds and in the vedic scriptures as the ultimate personality 因為“我”是超越腐朽和死亡的,是最終的,根本的, “我”也是超然于不朽不滅的,所以在三界中,在《呋陀》經里, “我“被奉為至尊人格神。 |
But the great souls having taken refuge of the divine nature , o arjuna , render devotional service unto me with undeviated mind knowing me as the imperishable origin of all creation 但是,偉大的靈魂們在神性中得到庇護。阿諸那啊,他們懂得“我”是所有被造之物的永恒不朽之源,以不偏執的心意向我提供奉愛服務。 |
I am the goal , the sustainer , the master , the witness , the refuge , the guardian , the well - wisher , the creation , the dissolution , the preservation , the reservoir and the imperishable cause “我”就是目標,維系者,主人,證人,避難所,護衛者,祝福者。 “我”是創造和毀滅,萬物之基,貯存和不滅的緣起。 |
Although being birthless , imperishable and immutable , the lord of all living entities ; being so situated i appear in this world in my original transcendental form by my internal potency 盡管不生不滅,永恒存在,作為所有生靈的主,我是由于我內在的力量決定的,要以我初始的超然形態出現在這個世界上。 |
She combed herself a novel type of hair ( to protect the peace ) and then melt into the ocean with the best wishes to her close relatives , sparking the sea imperishable lighthouse with the life 她梳著自創的喻保平安的“帆髻” ,帶著對鄉鄰、對親人們的祝福融入了大海,用生命點燃了海上不滅的引航燈。 |
Anyone who perceives the ultimate consciousness residing equally in all living entities everywhere as the imperishable within the perishable ; such a one actually perceives 誰認識到了,根本意識平等地居住在所有的生物體中,無所不在,是可消亡的物體之中的不朽的永恒,這樣的人才確實認識到了真理。 |
The ultimate personality is another , described as the ultimate consciousness , imperishable , the controller of everything who permeating the three divisions of the universe sustaining all beings 被描述為根本意識的至尊人格是另一個永恒不滅的東西,是萬物之主宰,遍透三界而維系所有的生靈。 |
That unmanifest is described as imperishable and proclaimed to be the supreme goal ; having reached , never returns to the material existence ; that is my supreme abode 那個無形之體是不朽的,是修行的終極目標。達到了那個境界,便永遠也不會再回到物質存在的世界,那是“我”至尊的寓所。 |
Verily , i am the original foundation of the ultimate truth and of eternal righteousness ; of imperishable immortality and absolute transcendental bliss 毫無疑問地, “我”就是根本真理,永恒的正等正覺,不朽的永久存在,絕對的超然的天賜之福,所有這一切的根本基礎。 |
Although always performing innumerable activities , those who take exclusive shelter of me ; achieves the everlasting , imperishable abode , by my grace 盡管總是從事數不清的活動,那些得到了“我”的得天獨厚庇護的人,由于“我”的恩賜而達到永恒持久的不朽的寓所。 |
52 in a moment , in the twinkling of an eye , at the last trumpet ; for the trumpet will sound , and the dead will be raised imperishable , and we will be changed 52就在一霎時,眨眼之間,號筒末次吹響的時候。因號筒要響,死人要復活成為不朽壞的,我們也要改變。 |
52 in a flash , in the twinkling of an eye , at the last trumpet . for the trumpet will sound , the dead will be raised imperishable , and we will be changed 52就在一霎時,眨眼之間,號筒末次吹響的時候。因號筒要響,死人要復活成為不朽壞的,我們也要改變。 |
Master , if you consider that i am able to see that form , then please show your imperishable ultimate self to me ; o krsna 師父啊,如果您認為我能夠看到您的那個形象,請您慈悲地向我展示“您”的那個不朽的根本自性吧,奎師那啊。 |