
impenetrable adj.1.進不去的;難貫穿的;【物理學】不可入性的。2...


The discovery was made by a team of canadian scientists who used special and three - dimensional technology to peer through hitherto impenetrable paint layers on the work , which now sits in the louvre museum in paris 這一新發現由加拿大的一個科學家小組做出,他們利用特殊的紅外線和三維技術,對這幅收藏于巴黎盧浮宮的油畫進行了迄今為止最為徹底的滲透式掃描。

The rocks presented a high impenetrable wall over which the torrent came tumbling in a sheet of feathery foam , and fell into a broad deep basin , black from the shadows of the surrounding forest 巖石宛如一面密不透風的墻,巨浪侵襲而上,激起一片白色泡沫,迅而轉落深譚,不見蹤跡,仿佛被黑漆漆的森林所覆蓋。

European hawthorn having deeply cleft leaves and bright red fruits ; widely cultivated in many varieties and often grown as impenetrable hedges ; established as an escape in eastern north america 歐洲的一種山楂屬植物,葉深裂,果亮紅色;在園藝上已培育出各種不同的類型,常用作綠籬;在北美東部成為逸生種。

Enron ' s impenetrable financial statements , which hid billions in debt and mounting losses , have brought calls for better disclosure . but none like this , a spokeswoman said 安然公司的財務一塌糊涂,掩蓋巨額債務和財政損失達幾十億美元之多,因此各方均要求對該公司做更多揭露。

Wail , o cypress , for the cedar has fallen , because the glorious trees have been destroyed ; wail , o oaks of bashan , for the impenetrable forest has come down 亞11 : 2松樹阿、應當哀號、因為香柏樹傾倒、佳美的樹毀壞巴珊的橡樹阿、應當哀號、因為茂盛的樹林已經倒了。

At that moment i caught a gleam of light in the impenetrable mystery of his presence ; and i demanded , abruptly : “ do you come from another planet ? 聽到這話我隱約意識他神秘的出現的原因,我有些唐突的問道: “你來自另一個星球? ”

Not only can these techniques represent a usability issue to able bodied users they can present an impenetrable barrier to less enabled visitors 這些技術的運用對于正常人來說沒什么問題,但是對于殘疾人就造成了很大的障礙。

They will cut down her forest , declares jehovah , although it is impenetrable ; for they are more numerous than locusts and are without number 23耶和華說,埃及的樹林,雖然穿越不過,敵人卻要砍伐;因他們多于蝗蟲,不可勝數。

The farther we drove , the more the silence in our station wagon grew until it stood like an impenetrable wall between dad and me 我們開得越遠,旅行車里就越顯得寂靜,直到在我和父親之間仿佛筑起了一堵不可穿透的墻。

Unbalanced braces can often lead to cryptic , impenetrable compiler errors that can sometimes be hard to track down in a large program 錯誤的括號常常很隱秘,在一個較大的程序中難以被編譯器查找到錯誤。

At that moment i caught a gleam of light in the impenetrable mystery of his presence ; and i demanded , abruptly 即刻,對于他是從哪里來的這個秘密我隱約發現到了一點線索。

Most of the cabs are filthy , and almost all of them sport an impenetrable , bulletproof partition 車輛大都十分骯臟,幾乎所有的車都觸目地裝有難以穿透的防彈隔離裝置。

Morality and good deeds are unfailing investments . compassion and love make an impenetrable shield 德行善舉,是永不失敗的投資;慈悲大愛,是永不戰敗的盾牌。

He switched on the floodlights and what had been impenetrable darkness became suddenly as clear as day 他接通泛光燈,漆黑的夜間一下子像白晝一樣通明。

“ it is impossible for an impenetrable shield to coexist with a spear that finds nothing impenetrable 那就拿你的矛來刺你的盾吧,看看結果怎么樣? ”

Heavy fog rolls in and quickly envelops the vessel in a veil of impenetrable blackness 濃霧大量涌入,迅速將船罩進無法穿透的黑暗中。

Just his way of walking “ investing in loss ” made him impenetrable and safe 正如他一直謹守的投資吃虧,使他不致被知悉而能安全。

“ no , not perfect , “ was the count s reply ; “ only impenetrable , that s all “不,并非是十全十美”伯爵回答說“只是無法看穿罷了。

The fourth dimension of time is a stable construct , though it is not impenetrable 時間的第四維度十分穩定,但是它是可以穿過的。