
impeccable adj.1.不會做壞事的;不容易做壞事的。2.無缺點的,...


Companies have a long and stable record of earnings and dividends . they are issued by large and well - established firms that have impeccable financial credentials 股票市場中最優質股票類別。通常是上市時? 7462071較長,具優秀盈利、派息及往績的大型上市公司。

This hotel gives you spacious living spaces , stylish design and decor , impeccable services , facilities for every lifestyle and a resident programme that helps you settle in quickly 具有好看的庭院與都市了望,事業與外交的中心。江北的中心居住空間。

We take care of our people so that they can deliver impeccable service to our clients who will give us the profit necessary for fedex to be successful 聯邦快遞關心員工,從而令他們為客戶提供專業的服務,并藉此能確保公司可獲得利潤及業務得以持續發展。

Companies have a long and stable record of earninfs and dividends . they are issued by large and well - established firms that have impeccable financial credentials 股票市場中最優質股票類別。通常是上市時間較長,具優秀盈利、派息及往績的大型上市公司。

He had impeccable knowledge of all rituals , art and science , and he never hesitated to give reasons to others why this action or that painting was wrong 宋仁波切是個性情率直的喇嘛在弟子們面前常顯現憤怒像對于他們的不檢點行為絕不縱容也不吝于批評。

Dinner to dinner buffet , accompanied by friendly atmosphere , superb banquet facilities , impeccable service and a host of privileges . “ graduation set dinner “ : hk 300 per person min 謝師宴西式套餐,每位$ 300 ( 36人起) ,并于席間提供無限量飲品。

Anodized aluminum surface reflects your impeccable taste . fabulous mp3 ring tones , video clips , screensavers , games and more 超凡觸感的鋁質外殼,突顯你的出眾品味精采的mp3鈴聲影片播放屏幕保護程式游戲等,令通訊更充滿個性!

With impeccable service , attention to details , our dedicated , professional meeting service team will ensure that your next event is a success 我們專業的宴會服務團隊一絲不茍,細致入微的服務,定能使您的活動圓滿成功。

Hkcec is renowned for the quality and presentation of culinary delights , complemented by an international standard of impeccable service 會展中心的食物出品一向以講求質素及美觀賣相見稱,而服務水準更贏盡贊譽。

Each room is equipped with a luxurious range of guest room facilities and our impeccable services are at every guest s command 所有房內設施豪華完備,加上體貼入微的熱誠服務,我們竭力照顧每位賓客的不同需求。

A sight credit is one by which payment can be made upon presentation of the draft and impeccable documents by the beneficiary to the bank 在即期信用證情況下,提示匯票和正確無誤的單據后便立即付款。

Oocl is recognized in the industry as being a quality carrier with superior schedule integrity and an impeccable safety record 東方海外被公認為業內具有卓越船期準班率和良好安全記錄的優秀承運商。

Mr abe also has impeccable conservative credentials , which inoculate him against charges at home of being soft on china 同時,他在保守派內也聲名遠揚,這使得他在國內免于被人指責對中國太過軟弱。

We at eurasie lexim sa strive to foster a responsive organization with a mission to provide valuable services with impeccable quality 商機無限,競爭無限,我們堅信每一天都是歐亞立信新的起點。

The chief cabinet secretary has impeccable nationalist credentials , so might be expected to compound the mess 官方長官擁有完美的民族主義者的身份,所以在解決這個難題上被寄于厚望。

In the case of sight credits , payment can be made promptly upon presentation of draft and impeccable shipping documents 在即期信用證情況下,提示匯票和正確無誤的單據后便立即付款。

The company is eager to make a high reputation with its impeccable services and sound professional morale 并以周到完美的服務,誠實可信的職業道德,創立優良聲譽和企業形象。

God uses imperfect people for his impeccable plan . god uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things 神會使用不完美的人來進行他完美的計劃,他會用普通人來做不平凡的事情

The motorazr has a lustrous metallic surface , in a spun metal finish , to reflect your impeccable taste Motorazr的奪目閃鉆合金外殼,精工鑄造,彰顯你的不凡風格。