
impeach vt.1.責問,彈劾,檢舉,告發。2.責難,指責,不信任...


Answer : to violate the rules and regulations direct has authority to reject to carry out , encounter affection of particularly serious risk counterpoises from time to tome suspend operation , withdraw dangerous post , the behavior to lawbreaking , code and the industry leader with ignore worker healthy safety , authority criticizes impeach and charge 答:對違章指揮有權拒絕執行,遇有非凡嚴重險情時有權停止作業,并撤離危險崗位,對違反法律、法規的行為和漠視職工安全健康的企業領導者,有權批評檢舉和控告。

So j . j . puts in a word doing the toff about one story was good till you heard another and blinking facts and the nelson policy putting your blind eye to the telescope and drawing up a bill of attainder to impeach a nation and bloom trying to back him up moderation and botheration and their colonies and their civilisation 于是,杰杰就擺出嘣士派頭插嘴說,光聽片面之詞可弄不清楚事實的真相,那是照納爾遜的做法,用瞎了的那只眼睛對著望遠鏡353 ,并談起制定褫奪公權法以彈劾國家354 。

To violate the rules and regulations direct has authority to reject to carry out , encounter affection of particularly serious risk counterpoises from time to tome suspend operation , withdraw dangerous post , the behavior to lawbreaking , code and the industry leader with ignore worker healthy safety , authority criticizes impeach and charge 對違章指揮有權拒絕執行,遇有非凡嚴重險情時有權停止作業,并撤離危險崗位,對違反法律、法規的行為和漠視職工安全健康的企業領導者,有權批評檢舉和控告。

Audit , censorial , finance , prices and department of town enterprise administration are in the xiang jifei standard that receives a town enterprise to put forward collects fees , after the impeach of the unit that apportion perhaps fines and individual , ought to undertake investigate and obtaining evidence , belong to to the circumstance solid , concerned branch and upper body ought to be instructed suspend its action , to direct responsibility personnel , concerned branch is ok according to clue weight , give corresponding punishment 審計、監察、財政、物價和鄉鎮企業行政治理部門在接到鄉鎮企業提出的向其非法收費、攤派或者罰款的單位和個人的檢舉后,應當進行調查和取證,對于情況屬實的,有關部門和上級機關應當責令停止其行為,對直接責任人員,有關部門可以根據情節輕重,給予相應的處罰。

The impeachment process may be triggered by non - members , for example : when the judicial conference of the united states suggests a federal judge be impeached ; an special prosecutor advises the house of information which he or she believes constitutes grounds for impeachment ; by message from the president ; or by a charge from a state or territorial legislature or grand jury ; or by petition 彈劾案亦可由非眾議員所發動,舉例來說:美國大法官會議可建議對聯邦法官進行彈劾;特別檢察官通知眾議院有關彈劾罪行的資訊;總統的諮文可建議彈劾;各州政府其所屬地之立法機構或大陪審團的指控亦可建議彈劾;人民或人民團體的請愿也可建議彈劾。

In addition , the legislative council of the hksar is also given the power to endorse the appointment and removal of the judges of the court of final appeal and the chief judge of the high court , as well as the power to impeach the chief executive 立法會的職權包括制定法律;審核及通過財政預算、稅收和公共開支;以及監察政府的工作。此外,立法會更獲得《基本法》賦予權力同意終審法院法官和高等法院首席法官的任免,并有權彈劾行政長官。

“ this evidence was admissible to rehabilitate defendant after the prosecutor impeached her by urging that her conduct , i . e . , engaging in violent conduct during the relationship , failing to escape the relationship , and fleeing after the killing , was inconsistent with self - defense “在公訴人檢舉被告,認為她的行為(牽涉同居暴力、未能脫離同居關系,殺人后逃竄)與她的自衛不相吻合后,受虐婦女綜合癥這個證據被準許用來為被告平反。

In addition , the legislative council of the hksar is also given the power to endorse the appointment and removal of the judges of the court of final appeal and the chief judge of the high court , as well as the power to impeach the chief executive 立法會的職權包括制定法律審核及通過財政預算稅收和公共開支以及監察政府的工作。此外,立法會更獲得基本法賦予權力同意終審法院法官和高等法院首席法官的任免,并有權彈劾行政長官。

The dead man disposed of , and the crowd being under the necessity of providing some other entertainment for itself , another brighter genius or perhaps the same conceived the humour of impeaching casual passersby , as old bailey spies , and wreaking vengeance on them 死人處理完畢,人群又急于另謀消遣。另一個更聰明的天才也許就是剛才那個想出了個節目:拿偶然路過的人當作老貝勒的密探進行控拆,向他們報復。

The administrative factor expresses that impeaching power is administrative power ; the legislative factor expresses that legislation plays an important role in impeachment system ; the judicial factor expresses impeachment process possesses quasi - judicial - characteristics 行政性要素:彈劾權性質的行政性;立法性要素:立法機關的主導性;司法性要素:彈劾程序的準司法性。

The most stinging criticism of congressional efforts to impeach mr . clinton is that they are partisan , motivated not by a desire to uphold the sanctity of law in the face of presidential perjury , but by political bloodlust 對于國會力圖彈劾克林頓的最尖刻的批評是說他們是在進行黨派之爭,在總統做偽證的情況下不是出于維護法律尊嚴的動機,而是受政治殺戮欲的驅使。

In fact , it refers that the party will lose the lawsuit under the circumstances that the fact of the case is unclear , that is to say the legality of the impeached concrete administrative act is unclear 本文認為,行政訴訟舉證責任是指行政訴訟中,當被訴具體行政行為的合法性存在真偽不明的狀態時,由承擔舉證責任的一方承擔敗訴的法律后果。

Clinton hasn ' t the slightest doubt that he ' s the victim of a gop attack machine that announced on capitol hill its intention to impeach him long before he gave them the monica lewinsky story to exploit 克林頓堅信自己是共和黨宣傳攻擊機器的犧牲品,他們早在利用他和萊溫斯基的事大做文章之前,就在國會山宣布了要彈劾他的打算。

Although many assume richard nixon was impeached , he in fact decided to resign in the face of the near certainty of both his impeachment and his conviction by the senate 雖然許多人以為尼克森總統也曾遭到彈劾定罪解職,但實際上,他是在接近彈劾成案及參議院審理定罪的時刻前,決定自動辭職,故并未列算彈劾成立。

Lawmakers could try to impeach the president , but mr . musharraf also has power to dismiss parliament . either scenario would throw the country ' s politics back into turmoil 議員們可能設法彈劾總統。反過來,穆沙拉夫也有權力解散議會。這兩種情況中的任何一種情況發生都會使得巴基斯坦政治陷入混亂。

It would surely do mr rumsfeld a power of good to be hauled before opposition - dominated committees from time to time ; but talk of impeaching mr bush is dangerous 在反對者當道的委員會中時不時地把拉姆斯?菲爾德拿來開涮無疑有效的,但談及彈劾總統布什還有很大的風險。

It would surely do mr rumsfeld a power of good to be hauled before opposition - dominated committees from time to time ; but talk of impeaching mr bush is dangerous 可以肯定的是有時在反對派控制的委員會面前拉姆斯非爾德受到了嚴厲的詰問;但是起訴總統則是危險的。

The inspectors had many important powers , such as power to impeach , power to advise , power to punish , power to judge and power to audit 它們擁有包括彈劾、諫諍、封駁、檢查、審計、司法、處置等非常廣泛的監察權,監察官的權力和權威得到嚴格的保障。

Interestingly enough , as nixon was impeached , those in favor fell to roughly 25 % in the assessment of earth of the 1970 ’ s history 這足夠有趣,當年尼克松被彈劾時,根據地球對1970年歷史的評估,那時支持度下降到約25 %中。