
impawn vt.1.典當,抵押。2.立誓,許諾。


Commerciality individual housing borrows money ( mortgage loan namely ) compare loan of housing accumulation fund to want to the demand bearing of borrower comfortable a lot of , have the effective and resident status , natural person that has capacity of completely civil action to want to satisfy following condition to be able to apply for only : the profession that has stability , income and repay ability ; the capital fund that the bank is approbated serves as guaranty or impawn ; the unit of put on sale that buys housing with place signed the contract that buy a house or book of the intent that buy a house 商業性個人住房貸款(即按揭貸款)對借款人的要求相比住房公積金貸款要寬松許多,具有有效居留身份、有完全民事行為能力的自然人只要滿足下列條件即可申請:有穩定的職業、收入和償還能力;有銀行認可的資產作為抵押或質押;與所購住房的發售單位簽訂了購房合同或購房意向書。

Exist at present assure means has beijing housing loan to assure the joint liability that the center offers assures to assure ( the following abbreviation assures the center assures ) , and other assure means ( guaranty assures , impawn assures , joint liability assures to assure , guaranty safe , guaranty joint liability assures to wait ) 目前存在的擔保方式有北京市住房貸款擔保中心提供的連帶責任保證擔保(以下簡稱擔保中心擔保) ,和其他擔保方式(抵押擔保、質押擔保、連帶責任保證擔保、抵押保險、抵押連帶責任保證等) 。

It is the fixed deposit receipt with building a bank and construction bank bear sold national debt serves as impawn , if be during loan individual cannot reimbursement , the bank cashs deposit receipt or national debt will return loan 它是以在建設銀行的定期存單和建設銀行承銷的國債作為質押,假如在貸款期間個人不能還款了,銀行就把存單或國債兌現來還貸款。

Loan of 7 , guarantee slip : if you are cast , be badly in need of spending money , the insurance contract of the cost of money that already can have applies for loan to insurance company for impawn 保單借款:假如您投保后急需用錢,可以已具有的現金價值的保險合同為質押向保險公司申請借款。

Flow of existing legal person share basically has the following kinds of kind : the agreement is made over , auction , impawn and counter - purchase 現有的法人股流動主要有以下幾種方式:協議轉讓、拍賣、質押和回購。

Var based evaluation method for impawn rate of stock for combination 的股票組合質押率評估方法

The 3rd kind assures means calls the right impawn 第三種擔保方式叫權利質押。