
impatience n.1.不耐煩,急躁。2.渴望,切望。短語和例子He a...


The accident was caused by the motorist ' s impatience 這一事故是騎摩托車的人性急造成的。

- don ' t misunderstand my impatience . - oh , no . go . go -請不要以為我不耐煩-哦,沒有,不會

The governments showed growing impatience at the unions 政府對工會表現得越來越不耐煩。

He was gnawing his finger - nails with impatience 他焦灼地咬著他的指甲。

Don ' t misunderstand my impatience . - oh , no . go . go 請不要以為我不耐煩-哦,沒有,不會

Impatience with those who could not understand , 和讓那些不理解的人不耐煩

Your impatience will be your undoing one of these days 你的急躁遲早有一天會讓你完蛋

He waited for her arrival in a fever of impatience 他激動不安地等待她到來

Codliman controlled his impatience . “ go on . 戈德利曼耐著性子說: “講下去” 。

Don t misunderstand my impatience . - oh , no . go . go -請別誤會我的不耐煩-不會,請

She fussed about , unable to hide her impatience 她激動不安,無法掩飾她的急躁。

To challenge the above explanation was the undoubted fact that he had never shown any impatience with the monotony of his life . 一件不容置疑的事實卻駁斥了上述的解釋:他對自己過去那種單調的生活從來沒有流露出什么厭煩不耐啊。

The admirer of judith restrained his impatience the more readily, as he perceived that the building was untenanted, at the moment . 這位拜倒在朱迪思腳下的漢子,一見寨里空無一人,只得強行按捺住滿肚子的焦急心情。

The next morning in the schoolyard, all of the boys had to strain not to let the teachers suspect their impatience to leave . 第二天早上在學校里,每個孩子都得盡量沉往氣,別讓老師看出他們巴不得快點放學。

In a frenzy of impatience feliks put his hands into the crack and began to tear at the splintered wood . 費利克斯急不可耐,狂怒之下把手伸進裂縫里,去掰要劈開的木板。

The rate of interest would measure the impatience to possess money now instead of money in the future . 利率可以衡量像現在而不是將來持有貨幣的人的不能忍耐的程度。

I wrote with a zest that was quite strange to me and also with impatience to get back to the war . 我的寫作熱情讓我自己也感到奇怪,也可能是由于我急于重返戰場。

A puerile tear dimmed my eye while i looked a tear of disappointment and impatience . 我看啊看的,一滴孩子氣的眼淚使我的眼睛模糊了。那是一滴失望和焦急的眼淚。

He walked directly west, away from the house, for two hundred paces, containing his impatience . 為了控制自己的急躁情緒他離開宅子一直往西走了二百來步。