
immutable adj.不可改變的;永遠不變的。adv.-bly ,-n...


As immutable sequences , both 作為不可變的序列,

Declaring immutable classes as 將不變的類聲明成

Which is also an immutable sequence , but only for character data ,這也是一個不可變的序列,但僅針對字符數據。

It is imperative that all valid data also be immutable and stable 所有有效的數據也必須是不可改變的和穩定的。

Com interfaces are immutable Com接口是不可變的。

Once a message is outside the service boundary , it must be immutable 消息一旦在服務之外,它不惜是不可變的。

Immutable objects make the best 不變對象產生最好的

Immutable objects are much easier to work with than mutable objects 使用不變對象比使用可變對象要容易得多。

By the immutable bylaws of business 商業法則決定著

Writing immutable classes is easy 編寫不變類很容易。

Which is an immutable sequence ,這是一個不可變的序列。

An immutable sequence of characters 一個不可變字符序列。

Does not necessarily make the object immutable - all fields must 并不一定使得這個對象不可變所有的字段

A class will be immutable if all of the following are true 如果以下幾點都為真,那么類就是不變的:

If you wish to create immutable objects using 如果您想要使用

If the object is immutable ; otherwise , 如果該對象不可變,則為

Which also was an immutable sequence ,它也是一個不變的序列。

Gets whether the object is immutable 獲取該對象是否是不變的。

Most value types are immutable 大多數值類型都屬于不可變類型。