
immense adj.1.無限的,無窮盡的;巨大的,廣大的。2.〔俚語...


Ted had the immense and joyful maturity of a boy who is respectfully listened by his elders . 長輩鄭重其事地聽孩子講話時,孩子就變得特別老成和高興,特德現在也是這樣。

There are truly an immense number of small items on the full-scale ship that cannot be represented at model scale . 在模型上不能表征的真實飛機上的細小項目實在太多了。

She had immense faith in him, and to her he was a type of all that the christian clergyman should be . 她對他懷有無限的信賴,在她眼里,他是基督教牧師最完美的典型。

She still had the immense overweight that never prevented her from nimbly traveling all over the globe . 她的身體仍然超重,但決不妨礙她靈活地周游全世界。

It is an immense privilege to be elected to this office and to be able to serve the party in it . 被選任領袖并以領袖的身份為黨服務,是一個莫大的榮幸。

Still more recent is our realization of the immense duration of our universe in time . 至于我們理解到這個宇宙在時間上的無限悠久,那更是較新近的事了。

Indeed the english did wheel their children around until they were immense . 倒也是,英國人確實是用兒童車推著孩子到處走,一直到他們長得老大老大的。

It was delightful to see the green landscape before us and the immense metropolis behind . 展望前邊青翠的景色,回顧后面雄偉的京城,真使人心曠神怡。

We had a glimpse of the towering multitude of trees, of the immense matted jungle . 我們這才看清那片參天的樹林,無邊無際的枝蔓纏繞在一起的叢莽。

Marco never seemed to wonder at the immense collection of facts in his father's head . 馬科對他父親頭腦里有那么淵博的知識,似乎從不感到驚訝。

“it is this,“ he said with immense gravity, “which i request, this which i beg. “ 他十分嚴肅地說,“這就是我所要求的,也是我要乞求的。”

It is fascinating and encouraging to observe the development of this immense process . 觀察這一巨大過程的發展不禁使人神往、感到鼓舞。

An immense gallery was to occupy the west wing of the house and be devoted to pictures . 一個巨大的畫廊占據本屋的西翼,專門陳列名畫。

Our sun is a member of an immense aggregate of stars, one of many in the universe . 我們的太陽是宇宙中許多巨大的恒星集團中的一員。

She showed an immense resolution and spirit on her part, and boxed his ears soundly . 她胸有成竹,火冒三丈,狠狠打了他一記耳光。

She was involved in a mystery so immense and so rarely experienced . 此刻她沉浸在廣闊無垠,幾乎未曾經受過的死神的神秘氣氛之中。

Immense relief spread through the high government circles in the united states . 在美國政府的高級官員中彌漫著無限的欣慰之感。

The next day there was an immense excitement in boniface college, oxbridge . 第二天,牛橋大學的博尼法斯學院引起了軒然大波。

An important football game is often played in the midst of an immense ritual . 重大的橄欖球比賽常常在盛大的典禮中進行。