
imbue vt.1.使吸入(水分等);浸染。2.使感染,使蒙受;鼓...


The figures are skillfully rendered and imbued with spirit , suggesting the artist was familiar with nomadic lifestyles or followed an authentic model 若通幅觀之,與五代北宋時期之畫風略有出入,然觀其細部鉤畫,仍筆力穩健,頗為精到。

Imbued with the pride which this new identity gives us , we charged ahead in the various fields of our work with renewed vigour and commitment 在新部門的旗幟下,我們深感自豪,本勇于承擔的精神,在各項工作中朝氣勃勃地向前邁進。

But sembene imbues his lead with an indefatigable spirit , as she sets out to defy a whole culture where such an abominable practice is the norm 大師化境般的導技,令活潑色彩與生動意象一瀉千里,敘事手法更是奇詭奔放,虛實互間。

Psionic tattoos : a psionic tattoo is a strange design placed on the skin of a living creature , imbued with a psionic power that affects only the wearer 靈紋:靈紋是繪在活體生物皮膚上的奇特圖案,灌輸了只對佩戴者生效的異能。

We are forever grateful to master for giving us this precious chance to develop our compassion and become imbued with god s grace 師兄師姊們都非常感謝師父,讓他們有這個機會發展慈悲心并蒙沾上帝的恩典,他們將永遠感懷在心。

Then , imbued with a deep feeling of brotherhood and unity , ten initiates from buenos aires and two from brazil arrived in santa fe 秉著同胞間的手足之情與同一體的信念,十位來自布宜諾斯艾利斯和兩位巴西的同修們來到了圣塔非。

But as every letter placed into the mail is imbued with thoughts and feelings , our role as the messenger demands complete dedication and extreme caution 香港郵政的工作本身便與書信往來息息相關,而書信又往往附連

Open the gate , you ' ll be fascinated to see a modern building imbued with elegant cultural and artistic atmosphere . and this is poly plaza 推開大門,在您面前呈現的是一座現代化的,充滿高雅藝術氛圍的酒店-保利大廈。

This research paper proposes that gender perspective be included in the method so as to imbue it with more gender consciousness 本研究建議主流貧困測量方法納入“社會性別”視角,使其更具“社會性別意識” 。

How long does it take to reload a musket ? can muskets be imbued ? is there a “ hand musket “ ( apoligize dont recall real name of it 雙手武器是一個技能還是自動對目標進行傷害的修正,技能等級影響修正值嗎?

Imbued in this atmosphere , said poses himself as a subversive intellectual and challenges the prevalent orientalism 這一切使得賽氏以一名顛覆型的知識分子的姿態出現,質疑在西方學界鼎盛的東方學思潮。

The horrors of the nazi period have imbued today ' s germans with a profound antipathy to war and foreign entanglements 納粹的恐怖記憶讓如今的德國人對戰爭深惡痛絕,也對錯綜復雜的國際事務心存反感。

The horrors of the nazi period have imbued today ' s germans with a profound antipathy to war and foreign entanglements 今天的德國人,心頭縈繞著對納粹時期的恐懼,對戰爭以及與他國糾纏不清極度厭惡。

Imbue the shaman ' s weapon with fire . each hit has a 20 % chance of causing 55 additional fire damage . lasts for 5 minutes 在自己武器上施法,每次攻擊,有20 %機會向敵人作出55點額外火系傷害.維持5分鐘

In “ it is not imbued with superstition color like ancient times yet to quarry jade respect , but have one of department s party spirit 在“采玉方面已不象古代那樣富于迷信色彩,而具有科黨性一。

Has demonstrated a new form of film narrative language . it is a mainstream production imbued with a new style and postmodern flavours 酒醉后的阿龍揮著龍頭爬上屋頂,跳著驚心動魄的醉龍舞… …

They want to build up the armed forces and imbue japan ' s limp - wristed young people with a greater sense of patriotism 他們想建立武裝力量,向日本缺少男子氣概的年輕人灌輸更多的愛國主義。

After initiation , we learn more about respecting life , and naturally we imbue the children with this concept 印心后,我們比較懂得如何尊重生命,自然地也會將這個理念灌輸給孩子們。

A suit of armor imbued with this property never tarnishes and is immune to acid damage and rusting effects 一套帶有這種屬性的鎧甲永遠不會失去光澤,并且免疫酸腐傷害和銹蝕效果。