
image n.1.像,肖像,畫像;偶像。2.影像,圖像。3.相像的...

image converter

This image is then projected on the film of a streak camera . 這個影象被投射到一個掃描攝影機的膠片上。

The lens through which we view the image is called the eyepiece lens . 我們用于觀察像的透鏡稱為目鏡。

The spectrum is just an image of the star in various wave lengths . 光譜正好是恒星在各個波長處的象。

The quadratic aperture of the cat's-eye diaphragm is imaged too large . 貓眼光欄的方形光孔成象太大。

The measurements and images will be run through the computer . 測量的數據和圖像經過計算機迅速處理。

At this stage there is a latent image which is not yet visible . 這一階段便形成肉眼仍不可見的潛像。

If we image a white spot, the image will have color . 如果我們把一個白的光點成像,其像將含有顏色。

His image traversed constantly her restless slumbers . 他的形象一再闖進她的腦海,弄得她不能安睡。

Their images are often primitive, violent, and fantastic . 他們的形象往往很原始,粗野并富于幻想。

Color fringes appear that tend to blur the outlines of images . 顏色條紋會使映像的輪廓模糊不清。

The image is in focus . 這影像在焦點上。

That is but a tailor's image of your sublime poet's . 那不過是一個理發師對你那崇高的詩人的印象。

The images of that time moreover had grown faint and remote . 何況當時的印象已經淡薄了,遙遠了。

“i cannot remove the stranger's image from my eyes, “ 我沒法從眼睛里抹掉這個陌生人的形象。

A bank's image through its advertising must be conservative . 廣告中的銀行形象必須是穩重的。

He is the image of his father . 他活像他父親。

The image of mars is always accompanied by two little dots . 火星星像的近旁總有兩個小點。

The old lady fell down in adoration before buddhist images . 那老太太在佛像面前頂禮膜拜。

The missionaries rebuked the natives for worshipping images . 傳教士指責當地人崇拜偶像。