
illustrious adj.1.卓越的;杰出的;有名的,著名的。2.輝煌的,...


05 after sting forced to retire at the age of 28 with an ankle injury , marco van basten enjoyed a illustrious playing career 巴斯滕曾是一名非常杰出的球員,但是由于傷病, 28歲的他就不得不告別了綠茵場。

As quaestor13 he was generous , as praetor illustrious , and in the consulship he had as colleague catilius severus 作財務官時他是大方的( 13 ) ,作為裁判官時是著名的,后來與卡提林斯?塞維魯同任執政官。

After being released from custody , president chen ' s son - in - law , the illustrious zhao jianming , felt no shame and showed no regret 陳總統的女婿,了不得的趙建銘從看所守釋放出來絲毫沒有羞愧與悔意。

Qi jiguang ( 1528 ? 1587 ) , dingyuan county native , was a military strategist and illustrious general during the ming dynasty 戚繼光( 1528 ? 1587 ) :定遠縣人,字元敬,號南塘,明朝軍事家,抗倭名將。

To which end tess was artfully prevailed upon to seek work in a wealthy upstart family of the same illustrious name 為了達到這個目的,她花言巧語地說服女兒苔絲到同宗的一個暴發戶家去找工作。

Were other anapocryphal illustrious sons of the law and children of a selected or rejected race mentioned 另外還提到了哪些足以憑信享有盛名的法律界的兒子們-被迸選而又受排斥的種族的子孫?

But how can these errors in his illustrious life be put on a par with his immortal contributions to the people 但是,在他的偉大的一生中的這些錯誤,怎么能夠同他對人民的不朽貢獻相比擬呢?

In the whole life of bernstein , the period of 1850 - 1880 was the important and illustrious phase 縱觀伯恩施坦的一生, 1880 ? 1895年間是他一生中的一個非常重要的階段,也是他一生中輝煌的階段。

She retired from the civil service at the end of april 2001 after nearly four decades of a very distinguished and illustrious career 陳博士服務政府近四十年,政績顯著;于今年四月底退休。

But far from holding grudges , the 27 year - old striker has the utmost respect for his more illustrious team - mate 但是這位27歲的前鋒對他杰出的隊友并沒有一絲仇恨,他從心底里尊敬舍甫琴科。

According to james legge s translation , the “ illustrious virtue “ is the virtuous nature which man derives from heaven 民,在止于至善。宋儒朱熹將親民改為新民,并作解說。

His son carlo ( 1728 1787 ) , the last of the illustrious family , worked in theaters throughout europe 朱塞佩的兒子卡洛( 1728 1787 ) ,是這個輝煌家族的最后一名,在歐洲各著名劇院工作。

It aims to glorify and to instil pride in their ancestors and to exhort the future generations to emulate their illustrious forebears 其目的更是要褒揚祖宗,使后代引以為榮,代代效法。

According to james legge s translation , the “ illustrious virtue “ is the virtuous nature which man derives from heaven 民,在止于至善。宋儒朱熹將親民改為新民,并作解說。

The guardian , matt scott : “ shevchenko ' s finish recalled more prolific times in his illustrious career 《衛報》記者馬特斯科特: “舍甫琴科的進球幫助他續寫了在歐冠聯賽中的進球總數。

I am sure , my dear albert , whatever may be your career , you will soon render that name illustrious 我相信,我的阿爾貝,不論你將來從事什么工作,你不久一定會使那個姓氏大放光芒的。

He enjoyed an illustrious 10 seasons at bayern , winning six league titles and the 2001 champions league 他在拜仁度過了輝煌的10個賽季,贏得了6座冠軍獎杯,以及2001年歐洲冠軍杯。

Gis is an important part of information technology and has an illustrious position in information society Gis是信息技術的一個重要組成部分,在信息社會中具有越來越重要的位置。

Although a christian , may god forgive me , i have always sought to revenge my illustrious father 相信上帝寬恕我,雖然我是一個基督徒,但我卻老是想為我那英名顯赫的父親復仇。