
illuminate vt.1.照亮,照明。2.使光輝燦爛。3.〔英國〕裝置照...


Mr dedalus , your views are most illuminating “迪達勒斯先生,你的觀點極有啟發性。 ”

The neon lamp king will illuminate all of the world 世界氖燈大王把全球照亮

Masters teachings illuminate an international food exhibition 國際食品展洋溢靈性光彩

Only objects within the cone are illuminated 只有錐以內的物體才會被照亮。

A bright light illuminates a spot on the ground 一束光線照亮了地上的一點。

The searchlights glared , illuminating the prison yard 探照燈發出強光,照亮監獄場地

Purchases of illuminating equipment for a public area 采購公眾地方的照明設備

She was a person and her life was illuminated 我們有渴望,便能再次創造自己。

Nomenclature and definitions for illuminating engineering 照明工程的命名和定義

Suddenly, like a great sword of flame, a beam from the setting sun pierced the stygian gloom, and smote upon setting the point of rock whereon we lay, illuminating ayesha's lovely form with an unearthly splendour . 突然,一縷落日的余輝,象一柄巨大的火劍,劈開了這兒的陰森森地獄般的黑暗,落在了我們趴著的這塊巖石上,以一種奇異的光輝照亮了阿霞美麗的身影。

The moon was at the full, and the scene was further illuminated by the fitful glare of several torches, stuck on the end of twelve-foot poles . 月兒滾圓,幾根十二英尺高的棍子尖端,插著熊熊燃燒著的火把,把會場照耀得更加明亮。

Nearby was a large, handsome house with its ample front illuminated in the same way, and above its roof floated the star spangled banner of america . 附近有著漂亮的大樓,軒朗的門面也是照的通明,屋頂上飄揚著美國星條旗。

An illuminating book on this subject, published some years before by a commandant de gaulle, and met with no response . 關于這個專題,幾年以前,有一個名叫戴高樂的指揮官發表了一部富有啟發性的著作,卻沒有引起任何反應。

About the year 1740 a whitehaven mining engineer named spedding invented an illuminating machine called a steel mill . 大約在1740年,懷特黑文地方的一位名叫斯佩丁的煤礦工程師發明了一種叫做鋼輪機的照明機器。

If an attacking aircraft was exactly in the centre between the two beams, the pilot's course would be continuously illuminated . 如果一架進攻的飛機恰好位于兩道光束的中間,駕駛員的航跡便不斷地被光束照明。

Because of this underlying unity of physics, progress in one subfield usually illuminates other subfields as well . 由于物理學的這種根本上的統一性,在一個分支學科中取得的進展通常也會啟發其它分支學科。

These different aspects represent the amounts of the moon's illuminated surface visible to us in different parts of its orbit . 這些不同的面貌,代表了月球在它軌道的不同部分能被我們看到的被照面。

The observation, which has led to the recognition of the phenomenon of dominance of certain species, has been illuminated anew by him . 他對這種導致認識特定種優勢度現象的觀察重新做了說明。

He would see the second police sentry standing in front of the portico, illuminated by the twin lamps, smoking a pipe . 他會看見第二個哨兵站在門廊前吸煙,門廊上的兩盞燈依然亮著。