
illogicality n.不合邏輯,矛盾。

Despite the new teaching materials have been more improved than the old ones in experiment ' s number , method , measure , form and so on , which aim to cultivate innovative inspirit and creationary ideation , there are a lot of factors affecting on creationary thinking development of the students . after analyzing two open civic and provincial grade classes and pieces of articles about biological experiment in biology teaching , and earning through teachers “ and students “ questionnaires , we drew a conclusion : simplification of educational function , effect from teachers “ conception , bondage of thinking formulary , restriction of teaching condition , illogicality of the setting of experimental course and so on , are main factors restricting the development of creationary thinking 盡管新教材的實驗在數量、方法、手段、形式等方面與舊教材相比都做了較大的改進,旨在培養學生的創新精神、創造性思維能力,但在目前狀況下中學生物實驗教學中仍存在很多影響中學生創造性思維發展的因素。在分析了兩次省市級公開課比賽情況、 2001年《生物學教學》有關實驗教學方面的文章,并且進行了教師和學生問卷調查的基礎上得出結論:教育功能單一化、教師觀念的影響、思維定勢的束縛、教學條件的限制和課程實驗設置不合理等因素是中學生物實驗教學過程中阻礙學生創造性思維發展的主要因素。

The plot suffers from serious illogicality , some scenes just don t make much sense , for instance , if the priority of the gangs is money as they have spent so much time to conceive their “ fake note “ plot “ , when do they keep luring and taunting with the police and sdu ? if patrick tam is such a brilliant guy , why would he want to team up with the mad white guy who always wants to challenge the cops ? shawn yu s showtime at the end also ruins the team spirit of sdu as promoted in the beginning 雖然此片有讓人看得投入的地方,但編導在劇情上卻施展了太多掩眼法,細看之下會發覺不少情節都不太合理,例如匪徒既然為錢,譚耀文又是所謂的智能型罪犯,多番把飛虎隊引蛇出洞的行為便極不合理兼多馀飛虎隊一向主張團結精神,但電影到了最后卻變了余文樂的個人表演,也大大破壞他之前建立起的血肉型像。

According to the basic principle that labor is the focus of human ' s essence , marx thinked that the basis of possessions was labor . and then , after researching the illogicality that the ownership just refers to possessions and the illogicality in capitalism system , marx brought forward the conception : “ ownership of labor force “ . under the guidance of marks “ socialism theories , the workers contended with bourgeois , which made the ownership of labor force be establish at last in rights system of capitalism 資產階級思想家認為所有權僅僅是物的所有權,而資本是物的所有權的根據? ?資本價值論;馬克思的勞動社會主義理論按照勞動是人的本質的核心這一基本原則,從勞動是物的所有權的根據? ?勞動價值論這一邏輯前提出發,通過揭示資產階級將所有權限定在“物權”的邏輯矛盾以及資本雇傭勞動關系中矛盾,提出了勞動力所有權;而勞動力所有權的確立,是勞動者在社會主義理論的指導下,聯合起來同資產階級進行斗爭的結果。

The plot suffers from serious illogicality , some scenes just don t make much sense , for instance , if the priority of the gangs is money ( as they have spent so much time to conceive their “ fake note “ plot “ , when do they keep luring and taunting with the police and sdu ? if patrick tam is such a brilliant guy , why would he want to team up with the mad white guy who always wants to challenge the cops ? shawn yu s showtime at the end also ruins the team spirit of sdu as promoted in the beginning 雖然此片有讓人看得投入的地方,但編導在劇情上卻施展了太多掩眼法,細看之下會發覺不少情節都不太合理,例如匪徒既然為錢,譚耀文又是所謂的智能型罪犯,多番把飛虎隊引蛇出洞的行為便極不合理兼多馀;飛虎隊一向主張團結精神,但電影到了最后卻變了余文樂的個人表演,也大大破壞他之前建立起的血肉型像。

The primary innovations are followed : 1 > it discusses the actuality and development of the technology of project items planning management summarily . it aims at the illogicality of defining “ fuzzy mum or min “ in the previous study of fuzzy network chart , and puts forward new definitions about “ fuzzy mum or min “ 概要論述了工程項目計劃管理技術的現狀與發展,針對以前模糊網絡圖研究中存在的模糊最大(最小)定義的不合理性,提出了新的模糊最大(最小)定義,在此基礎上,建立了模糊時間參數的定義和計算。

There are many many “ obstacles before the development of our retail industry , such as soft control of chinese government on macro - economics , illogicality of supply chains , decrease of demand , and changes in retail industry 同時, “入世”也帶給我國零售企業前所未有的機遇。在國家政策一定程度的扶持與保護下,中國零售企業尚有很大的發展空間和發展潛力。

Secondly , the “ externality chain “ is cleared up and the main illogicalities & key factors resulting in economic externality are identified 第二,對“外部性鏈條”進行抽絲剝繭般的整理,去粗取精、去次取主,辨明引致外部性問題的主要矛盾和關鍵因素。


3 . mass of methods of the discretization have not think over relativity between before discretization and discretizated . the discretization of attributes are accomplished independence . it can change indiscernibility relation in information system and induce illogicality and redundance dot . we gave discretization of continuous valued attributes based on interdependence of information system 3 .針對大多數的離散化方法沒有考慮不同連續屬性離散化結果間的互補性和相關性,每個屬性的離散化過程都是獨立進行的,往往會改變信息系統不可分辯關系,容易產生不合理和冗余的離散化劃分點。

It includes : the disparity of our regional economic development inclined to enlarge ; the phase of development is different in the course of industrialization and town degree ; the degree of opening up to foreign countries is different , and the degree of market growth is also different ; the disparity of industry structure is bigger , and industry structure in the west part is illogicality 深入分析了我國東西部經濟發展的差異,主要表現在:區域經濟發展差異近年來日益擴大;工業化、城市化進程處于不同的發展階段;對外開放程度和市場發育程度不同;產業結構差異較大,西部地區產業結構明顯不合理。

When confronted with economic globalization , participated in wto and the agricultural new technology revolution , problems exited in the agricultural technology system emerged gradually , such as illogicality in extension organization setting , irrelevancy in orientation , limitation in system , scarcity of financing , separation of extension , scientific research and education , laggard conception etc . therefor , the experimental task of agricultural technology system reform was started from 2002 . experience gained from the experimental task will benefit the reform to be carried out nationwidely 然而面臨全球經濟一體化、加入wto和農業新技術革命的形勢,農業技術推廣體系的種種問題逐漸暴露,存在著農業推廣機構設置不合理,定位不恰當,運行制度存在缺陷,農業推廣資金投入不足,推廣與科研、教育分離,基層農技推廣人員素質差,觀念陳舊等問題,制約著推廣力度。為此,我國從2002年開始了農業技術體系改革的試點工作。

Despite the new teaching materials have been more improved than the old ones in experiment ' s number , method , measure , form and so on , which aim to cultivate innovative inspirit and creationary ideation , there are a lot of factors affecting on creationary thinking development of the students . after analyzing two open civic and provincial grade classes and pieces of articles about biological experiment in biology teaching , and earning through teachers “ and students “ questionnaires , we drew a conclusion : simplification of educational function , effect from teachers “ conception , bondage of thinking formulary , restriction of teaching condition , illogicality of the setting of experimental course and so on , are main factors restricting the development of creationary thinking 盡管新教材的實驗在數量、方法、手段、形式等方面與舊教材相比都做了較大的改進,旨在培養學生的創新精神、創造性思維能力,但在目前狀況下中學生物實驗教學中仍存在很多影響中學生創造性思維發展的因素。在分析了兩次省市級公開課比賽情況、 2001年《生物學教學》有關實驗教學方面的文章,并且進行了教師和學生問卷調查的基礎上得出結論:教育功能單一化、教師觀念的影響、思維定勢的束縛、教學條件的限制和課程實驗設置不合理等因素是中學生物實驗教學過程中阻礙學生創造性思維發展的主要因素。

The plot suffers from serious illogicality , some scenes just don t make much sense , for instance , if the priority of the gangs is money as they have spent so much time to conceive their “ fake note “ plot “ , when do they keep luring and taunting with the police and sdu ? if patrick tam is such a brilliant guy , why would he want to team up with the mad white guy who always wants to challenge the cops ? shawn yu s showtime at the end also ruins the team spirit of sdu as promoted in the beginning 雖然此片有讓人看得投入的地方,但編導在劇情上卻施展了太多掩眼法,細看之下會發覺不少情節都不太合理,例如匪徒既然為錢,譚耀文又是所謂的智能型罪犯,多番把飛虎隊引蛇出洞的行為便極不合理兼多馀飛虎隊一向主張團結精神,但電影到了最后卻變了余文樂的個人表演,也大大破壞他之前建立起的血肉型像。

Although her encounters are miserable , yee does not try to romanticize her role in order to enhance the tear - jerking quality of the movie or make us sympathize with her , he rather reminds us to keep a rational mind by pointing out the illogicality of holly s behaviors through the lead male hale lau ching wan 例如張柏芝的遭遇雖然可憐但編導卻沒有因而把她的固執浪漫合理化讓我們加倍同情她而是以劉青云的旁觀者角色把觀眾抽離一點從客觀的角度點出她的非理性直接指出她的所為不切實際。

Especially like lowness of technological content , illogicality of exporting structure , monotony of variety and specification , dropping behind of producing technology , and standard criterion not perfectly built etc . ii . relationships between science and technology and traditional china medicine ( tcm ) industry first : combination of science and technology ( s & t ) and tcm industry has come into being on the necessary condition of developing tendency . second : the function of science and technology will be brought into play if only under the circumstances of both organic balance 如在中藥材資源的開發利用上存在著重產品輕原料、重開發輕保護、重數量輕質量等問題,這些問題能否得到妥善解決關系著中藥開發研究是否能夠順利開展;我國現有的中藥基礎性研究尚未取得突破性進展,對中藥藥效作用的物質基礎、作用機制、配伍規律等缺乏創新性研究;有關中藥材種植、炮制、生產加工、質量控制的系列標準規范不夠完善,中藥的安全、有效、可控、

Obviously , this regulation model was illogicality , the shortcoming was gradually showed during the development of the economy : low efficiency of enterprise management , deficiency of cost control , heavy fiscal encumbrance of government and insufficient supply of production , etc . since ending of 80s , price regulation model reforms had been implemented along the line of sole responsibility , economy rules , laws and competition in china 這種價格規制體制扭曲了經濟體系,造成了很多問題:企業經營無效率、成本難以控制、國家財政負擔沉重、產品供需矛盾緊張等等。自20世紀80年代末期以來,國家對城市公用事業的價格規制進行了一系列改革,如取消財政補貼、實行按成本加合理利潤定價、制定和實施相關法規規章、在一定領域引入競爭機制等。

Facing such kind of circumstances , our country must carry out and realize the strategy of national revitalizing through science and education . aim at indigence and configure illogicality as china ’ s human capital ’ s character , we must change the actuality and solve the problems such as insufficient investment and disequilibrium of educative resource deploy , realize the sustainable development strategy of china with human capital as leading factor 面對這種狀況,我國必須貫徹實施我國“科教興國”的戰略方針,針對目前我國人力資本貧乏、人力資本配置不合理現狀,著力改變教育投資不足、教育資源配置不均衡的問題,實現以人力資本為主導的可持續發展的發展戰略。

Secondly , on the base of analysis about the current situation of domestic residential mortgage insurance , this thesis points out the existing problems , emphasizes that the biggest deficiency is the illogicality of insurance frame , and analyses the opportunities and challenges of domestic residential mortgage insurance with china ' s entry into wto , brings forward the urgency of innovation in china ' s residential mortgage insurance programs 其次,通過分析我國住房抵押貸款保險的現狀,指出了其中存在的問題,強調最大的不足是現行保險種類的結構不合理,并結合入世剖析了我國住房抵押貸款保險所面臨的機遇和挑戰,提出保險產品創新的迫切性。

The article first simpleness introduce wireless access technology , afterward depiction to the point kinds of technic project of wireless access technology , emphasize introduce author design and used circs analysis for 3 . 5g wireless broad band access technology in anshun mobile company , adjust illogicality organizing net fashion , employ anshun mobile company use 3 . 5g system organizing the city zone transfers net carry one ' s point of system stability and rationality , finally explain immovably wireless access system appliance and foreground 本文首先對無線接入技術作了簡單的介紹,然后對無線接入技術的幾種技術方案作了扼要的評述,著重介紹了作者對3 . 5ghz寬帶點對多點固定無線接入系統在安順移動通信方面的設計應用及使用情況分析,對不合理的組網方式進行了調整,使安順移動在從未使用過3 . 5g固定無線接入系統的情況下采用3 . 5g系統組建城區傳輸網達到了很高的系統穩定性和合理性,最后對固定無線接入系統的應用和前景進行了闡述。

There are many a uncertain factor in the process of product management and process control , it needs new knowledge and strategy for vw to handle them when system encounter conflict and illogicality , knowledge and its management play outstanding role in vw management system . after analyzing the definition of knowledge manageme 以實例分析了scu workshopims中敏捷生產計劃與調度、適應虛擬車間要求的產品質量跟蹤功能、采取虛擬車間方式的對外合作管理、知識管理在scu workshopims中的應用。