
illiberality n.1.缺乏教育,無教養。2.吝嗇,氣量狹窄,思想偏狹。

Part iii emphasizes on the populace mental aberrance in the movement “ great quantum leap “ . the populace mentality has the tendency of aberrance and illiberality . such mentality has occurred as the profit - hungry mentality of petty farmers ; worship of obedience ; currying with mass blindly ; fetish with experience ; preferring left to right “大躍進”運動中群眾心理處于歧變和偏誤的態勢,在群眾心理當中普遍存在著;貪多求快的小農心理;順從領袖的崇拜心理;盲目趨附的從眾心理;迷信經驗的教條心理;寧“左”勿右的政治心理。


Part iii emphasizes on the populace mental aberrance in the movement “ great quantum leap “ . the populace mentality has the tendency of aberrance and illiberality . such mentality has occurred as the profit - hungry mentality of petty farmers ; worship of obedience ; currying with mass blindly ; fetish with experience ; preferring left to right “大躍進”運動中群眾心理處于歧變和偏誤的態勢,在群眾心理當中普遍存在著;貪多求快的小農心理;順從領袖的崇拜心理;盲目趨附的從眾心理;迷信經驗的教條心理;寧“左”勿右的政治心理。

The illiberality of parents , in allowance towards their children , is an harmful error ; makes them base ; acquaints them with shifts ; makes them sort with mean company ; and makes them surfeit more when they come to plenty 在子女小時不應對他們過于苛吝。否則會使他們變得卑賤,甚至投機取巧,以至墮入下流,即使后來有了財富時也不會正當利用。