
ilex n.(pl. ilexes ) 【植物;植物學】1.圣櫟...


Methods adopted in the researches of light physiology and ecology were adopted to study physiological changes in three hex species , ilex chinensis , i . viridis and i . cornuta var . fortunei , under light - shaded conditions 摘要以冬青、綠冬青、全緣枸骨為材料,運用光生理生態研究方法,對不同遮蔭條件下, 3種冬青屬植物的光生理變化進行了研究。

The siting of bosque of yaupon trees ( ilex vomitoria ) immediately outside the main entrance , and preventing full view of the building from a distance , is the first sign that the threshold is not a space merely to pass through 冬青樹陣的種植緊接著主要入口的外側,在遠處即遮擋了建物的全貌,這是第一個暗示:閾不僅僅是一個通道。

Colorless or light pale yellow liquid with the odor of leaves of ilex , soluble in alcohol , ether , slightly soluble in water , easy to change color in the air 本品為無色或淡黃色的油狀液體,有冬綠樹葉的香味,能溶于乙醇乙醚,微溶于水,置空氣中易變色。

Particulate monitor and control of injection solution of ilex pubescens compound in compatible application with several transfusion solutions 復方毛冬青注射液與幾種輸液配伍的微粒監控

Professor hu is a great authority on ilex , hemerocaulis , paulonnia , compositae and orchidaceae 胡教授是冬青科、金針屬、泡桐屬、菊科、蘭科等植物的世界權威學者。

Contrast observation on clinical efficacy of ilex latifolia kudingcha from wuyuan jiangxi on hypertension 江西婺源大葉冬青苦丁茶治療高血壓的臨床療效對比觀察

Refers to any species of the genus ilex 之下各種冬青屬

Advances in research of chemistry and pharmacology of ilex l 冬青屬植物化學成分及藥理活性研究進展

Chemical components of guizhou wulengkudingcha ilex pentagona 貴州五棱苦丁茶的化學成分研究

Analysis on chemical components of ilex latifolia 苦丁茶化學成分研究

Suber flushes early and pupas are already found at a time when the caterpillars on ilex are just hatching . 栓皮櫟發葉早,當常綠樹上的幼菌蟲還處在孵化階段時,栓皮櫟上的已成了蛹。