
ignorance n.無知,缺乏教育,愚昧;不知道。 I- of the ...

“i pity your country ignorance from my heart,“ cries the lady . 那位太太叫著說:“我打心里可憐你這鄉下人的愚昧無知!”


I have known a man's career in life blasted, by ignorance on this all-important subject . 我知道有一個人就因為不明白這個至關重要的問題,葬送了前程。

This reflect our ignorance of tropical regions and the need for intensive research in this area . 這說明我們對熱帶地區不重視,需要對該地區加強研究。

There continuing efforts to prove the parallel axiom do not imply ignorance of gauss's thoughts . 繼續努力去證明平行公理并不意味著不知道高斯的思想。

She was eighteen years of age, bright, timid, and full of the illusions of ignorance and youth . 她正十八歲,清秀,靦腆,滿懷著年輕無知的幻想。

This was easier said than done because my ignorance of the subject was encyclopedic . 這說來容易,做起來可不簡單,因為我對這個問題一竅不通。

How much time has been lost in delusions, in errors, in idleness, in ignorance of how to live . 在幻想、錯誤、懶散和徨中浪費了多少時光。

Company installations were attacked by would-be terrorists who acted in ignorance . 公司設備遭到所謂恐怖分子即那些愚昧無知的人的襲擊。

They recalled the influence which the ignorance of past ages ascribed to her . 他們提到愚昧無知的原始人怎樣認為她能左右人間禍福。

I throw dust in her eyes, but i cannot hope to keep her in ignorance for long . 我蒙混她的視聽,但我不能期望長期對她隱瞞。

Fanny protested her ignorance as steadily as her embarrassment allowed . 范妮非常難為情,以堅定的口吻聲明自己絲毫不知。

“i pity your country ignorance from my heart,“ cries the lady . 那位太太叫著說:“我打心里可憐你這鄉下人的愚昧無知!”

I'm comparing only your ignorance and mine about penal institutions . 我只是拿你我兩人對刑法機構的無知作個比較罷了。

Never am i ashamed to confess my ignorance of what i do not know . (因此)我是不知道的事就承認說不知道,并不害羞。

He'll never be able to emerge from his bathos of coarseness and ignorance . 他永遠也不能從他那粗野無知中解脫出來。

Pleading ignorance of the law wo n't help you if you are caught . 假若因犯法被抓住,借口不知是犯法亦無濟于事。

To be puffed by ignorance was not only humiliating, but perilous . 無知者的吹捧不僅使人感到可恥,也是危險的。

Marianne was of course kept in ignorance of all these arrangements . 所有這些安排自然都瞞過了瑪麗安的耳目。

That unfortunate remark exposed his ignorance of the subject . 他說了那句不妥的話,暴露了自己對此事的無知。