
ignescent adj.1.爆成火焰的。2.碰擊而冒火星的。n.碰擊而冒...

ignis fatuus

The success of this reform related to the whole process of the public administration reform and related to the process of our modern democracy construction . the problems of public institutions are mainly lie in the following facts : the government is the sponsor of most of the public institutions ; there are obvious overlapped layouts , as well as ignescent interior mechanism and rather severe official - post orientation 通過改革把事業單位從政府機關脫離出來,成為市場經濟體制下自負盈虧的法人實體,在非盈利的事業單位實行聘用制,并逐步完善事業單位的崗位管理制度,同時改革事業單位的收入分配制度,建設高素質的專業技術人才隊伍。