
if 短語和例子If they had only arrive...

if clause

If necessary we'll fight on the rhine . 必要時我們將在萊因河作戰。

If you get a gun stuck, let me know . 你這里要是有搶卡住了,要通知我。

I 've come three miles if i 've come a yard . 我走了該有三英里了。

She will sing if we put the pressure on . 我們給她些壓力她就會講出來。

If he will help us , so much the better . 假如他肯幫助我們那就更好了。

It looks to me as if he's going to his ruin . 我看他好像要破產了。

If i am late he is sure to be furious . 如果我去遲了,他準會大光其火。

I wonder if he can take your advice . 我不知道他能否聽從您的勸說。

It 's easy to persuade him if you go the right method . 說服他并不難。

What will become of my child if i die ? 假如我死了,我的孩子會怎樣呢?

If i want her, i'll have her . 如果我想把她弄到手,我一定會成功的。

Then come by all means if you like . 那么,只要你喜歡去,當然可以去。

We decided to bunk together if they let us . 可以的話我們就睡在一起。

If there is a heaven on earth , this is it ! 人間若有天堂,非此莫屬!

He is very obliging. he 's sure to help if you ask him . 求求他準行。

Do n't speak if you do n't know the facts .. 不了解情況不要亂放炮。

I'll make time if it's important . 我可以抽時間,如果事情重要的話。

That was a fine meal if ever there was one ! 那確實是一頓豐盛的飯。

I wonder if there is any short cut . 我想知道有沒有學好外語的捷徑?