idyllic adj.1.田園詩的,牧歌的。2.質樸宜人的,生動逼真的...
adj. 1.田園詩的,牧歌的。 2.質樸宜人的,生動逼真的。 “lead an idyllic life“ 中文翻譯: 桃源生活“idyllist“ 中文翻譯: n. 田園詩人,田園樂曲[牧歌]作者。 “idylle“ 中文翻譯: 伊迪勒“idyllize“ 中文翻譯: vt. 使(生活)成田園詩;使成為牧歌。 “idylla“ 中文翻譯: 伊朵兒“idylls of the king“ 中文翻譯: 國王敘事集; 國王敘事詩; 國王之歌名詩“idyll“ 中文翻譯: idyl(l) n. 1.即景詩,田園詩。 2.(適合田園詩的)民間傳說,田園風景。 3.【音樂】田園樂曲,牧歌。 “idyllwild-pine cove, california“ 中文翻譯: 愛德懷“idylize“ 中文翻譯: vt. 使(生活)成田園詩;使成為牧歌。 “idyne“ 中文翻譯: 次某基“idylist“ 中文翻譯: n. 田園詩人,田園樂曲[牧歌]作者。
Here is a photograph of one of our “ resident friends - mr . squirrel “ at the cape town center . although it seems idyllic , it is not really so 謹此寄給您一張開普敦小中心的新長住松鼠先生的照片,充滿了田園氣息。 |
Located at the northern part of the garden , “ one more village “ is noted for its idyllic scenes and bonsai collection “又一村”在園之北部,借陸游詩“山重水盡疑無路,柳暗花明又一村”而取名。 |
idyllist |
Has comfortably settled into taitai - hood in an idyllic melbourne neighbourhood . her experience as a migrant , however , triggers an interest in the ongoing saga of human refugee problem in her adopted country 羅卓瑤用dv拍成的個人化紀錄片,盡管仍延續對移民題材的興趣,但風格與體裁大異,更激起巨大回響。 |
Some believe that lemurians were much more like early humans , living in a sort of idyllic paradise , largely agrarian with lush forests and an abundance of flowers and fruit trees 一些就相信利莫里亞更加像早期的人類,生活在一種田園詩般的天堂里,主要地與繁榮的森林,盛開的花朵和結果的樹在一起。 |
Abu dhabi , the capital , and largest of the seven emirates that make up the united arab emirates , will provide an idyllic location for one the world ' s most popular sport 阿布扎比是阿聯酋的首都,阿布扎比酋長國是阿聯酋七個酋長國中最大的酋長國,將為這項世界上最受歡迎的運動提供一個夢幻的場地。 |
Blossoms in dreams , a romantic title . the prelude is quite grand , and angela ' s voice came out . give us a peaceful feeling . melody in dreams , melody of idyllic poetry 夢里花,一個非常詩意的名字。開頭十分大氣,涵的聲音委婉卻又嘹亮地響起,給人以安詳的感覺。因為是夢中的旋律,所以顯得夢幻。 |
From the idyllic beaches of abel tasman national park , to the snow capped mountains of the southern alps , new zealand ' s south island offers a wealth of beautiful and diverse scenery 從亞伯塔斯曼海國家公園的田園海灘,到南阿爾卑斯山冰雪覆蓋的山脈,新西蘭南島展現了眾多美麗而多彩的景色。 |
It features a picturesque artificial lake . with a lakeshore densely planted with willow trees and the water lilies and duckweed floating on the water , this place is an idyllic arcadia :在這個明澈的人工湖景區,湖畔垂柳遍植,潭面水蓮浮萍飄蕩,仿如置身仙境,是個名不虛傳的觀光勝地。 |
Via this route you can appreciate the spectacular geological formation , elegant peaks , giant waterfalls , and historical relics all of which will take you into an idyllic wonderland of nature 由此登山可探知嵩山博奧的科學內涵、領略嵩山多彩的文化魅力、欣賞嵩山壯麗的自然風光。 。 。 。 。 |
But for many of the 2 . 2m residents of vancouver , accustomed to idyllic calm , a spate of gun killings is starting to give their city the aura of prohibition - era chicago 但是對于溫哥華2百20萬人中許多過慣了田園平靜生活的人而言,突增的槍殺事件讓他們覺得回到了芝加哥的禁令時代。 |
Many of the director s most enduring themes can be traced from here , from his feather - light comedic touches to the idyllic settings and his overall faith in the goodness of the human race 木下的溫柔和諷刺,初露鋒芒。同年黑澤明首作姿三四郎也稍遜風騷,讓木下奪新人獎。 |
While the winter months in switzerland ' s main cities can be foggy , cold , and rainy , the mountains often boast the idyllic snow - covered image seen on many postcards 盡管瑞士的冬天許多城市是濃霧彌漫,寒冷,和多雨的,山脈地區經常是明信片上的田園詩般的白雪皚皚的景象。 |
As she viewed paris thus grimly awakening , she was overcome by tender , girlish feelings , by a yearning for the country , for idyllic scenes , for things soft and white 面對巴黎這幅清晨的凄愴景色,娜娜心頭不禁頓生柔情,她向往鄉村田園,以及賞心悅目和潔白無瑕的東西。 |
Xingyang maojian , a famous special tea from china , may give you the charm of its fragrance and color , with idyllic scenery in one cup of it , too wonderful for words 中國名茶信陽毛尖是一種特殊的工藝品,你可以一邊聞香品味,一邊察顏觀色,融詩情畫意于一杯,妙不可言。 |
But the idyllic lakeside villa used by winston churchill during the potsdam conference is now at the centre of a row after its german owner refused to put up a plaque 目前,別墅新主人因拒絕丘吉爾女兒重游故居并在別墅內為丘吉爾立紀念碑的請求而引起外界關注。 |
Huaqing pool , with its idyllic scenery and water rich in organic compounds and minerals pouring out from its four hot springs , is an ideal place for bathing and convalescence 華清池風光如畫,現有四個泉眼,水中含礦物質和有機物質,最適宜沐浴療養。 |
But back in those idyllic times , being an arsenal fan was really all about faith , and i had kept it since i was a 7 - year old boy way back in the 60s 但是回想起那些田園般的時光,做一個阿森納球迷真正關乎信念,早在60年代7歲的時候我就滿懷這種信念。 |
For your convenience , the hotel is furnished with most modern facility to provide you this idyllic residence , to bring you the wonderful experience of luxury and comfort 結合現代化的經營理念,四合賓館,禮遇八方,氣派非凡,一枝獨秀,傲立京都。 |
Whether by design or accident , this headquarters was in a rather idyllic spot on the edge of a bubbling brook beneath the overhanging brow of a sheer rock cliff 不知是精心挑選的還是無意的巧合,駐地的景色宜人,上有峭壁,旁有潺潺流水。 |