
ideologist n.理論家;思想家;空想家。

Concerned with the severe global crisis , thomas berry , a famous ecological ideologist in the western world , puts forward the idea of “ ecozoic era “ which makes it possible for the human society to develop sustainedly , and renders further comprehension of the environmental ethics from the perspective of the ecozoic era 摘要西方著名生態思想家托馬斯?柏勵,針對地球現在所面臨的嚴峻危機,提出“生態紀”思想之給人類的可持續發展帶來了希望和可能,給環境倫理帶來了深層的生態紀倫理的理解。


In on learning , fuzeyuji , the japanese neoteric educationist and ideologist , expressed the idea that the scholar should work his best to push forward civilization , to concentrate his studies on important issues dosed related to social development , to be brave enough to doubt the accepted , and to be able to suffer anonymousness 摘要日本近代教育家、思想家福澤諭吉在其代表作《勸學篇》中認為:學者就應盡其本分以推動社會文明;學者就應做與社會發展關系密切的大學問;學者要有“坐冷板凳”的精神;學者應有疑信取舍的品質和才能。

It is possible to make broad comparisons between chinese and japanese cultural ideologies . thus , the subject of this thesis is limited to the ideologies pertaining to enlightenment . in limiting the extent of the research between china and japan a clearer and more accurate comparison of the characteristics can be made using the ideologies of youwei - kang and yukichi - fukuzawa , prominent ideologists of china and japan respectively 中國和日本的思想文化可比較的領域非常廣泛,本論文的主題是中日啟蒙思想比較研究,論文通過對中國的康有為與日本的福澤諭吉這兩位近代著名啟蒙思想家的比較,進一步探討中日兩國近代啟蒙思想的特色。

As a kind of market structures , natural monopoly has been studied for a long time . in the thought of economics , ideologists researched natural monopoly on the natural characters . as the evolution of economics , new classical economics has been grown for three stages in natural monopoly , and they are economics of scales , economics of scopes and subadditivity of costs in turn 自然壟斷作為一種市場結構,其理論已經得到了極大的重視和長足發展,從早期經濟思想史上的自然條件決定論到新古典經濟學范圍內的傳統自然壟斷理論,在后者范圍內,又經歷了從規模經濟到范圍經濟,再發展到高度抽象的成本次可加性理論。

The main aim of this study is to explore , analysis , and interpret the educational psychological thought of zhan ruoshui who was a famous philosopher , ideologist and educationist lived in ming dynasty . the outcome of the study maybe has a use for reference and enlightenment . in the meanwhile , this study will supply a gap of the history of chinese psychology 本研究通過對明代著名哲學家、思想家、教育家湛若水現存典籍的文獻分析,旨在發掘、整理、分析和解釋其教育心理思想,以期對當下之教育心理研究有些借鑒與啟發,同時也填補了中國心理學史的一處空白。

In1980 ’ s , the civil society was properly the foundation of good governance and was also the total of all the folk organizations and relationship except our government and market . in this essay , i will look back to the evolution of the concept “ civil society ” . it will be explaned keyining with the traditional conception and includes the theoretical foundation of civil society by aristotle , the clear traditionally conception of civil society by cicero , the reformation of the conception by so much attention to the civil sicoety paid by the ideologists , and the improvement of civil society theory 本文要了解公民社會概念的演變情況,從傳統意義上公民社會概念開始闡述,包括亞里士多德奠定公民社會理論基礎,西塞羅明確傳統意義的公民社會概念,阿奎那對公民社會概念的改造,契約論思想家對公民社會的重視,現代公民社會理論的提出和完善,包括黑格爾、馬克思、哈貝馬斯、阿托拉等人的各種觀點,理清公民社會概念在西方的發展歷程。

Concerned with the severe global crisis , thomas berry , a famous ecological ideologist in the western world , puts forward the idea of “ ecozoic era “ which makes it possible for the human society to develop sustainedly , and renders further comprehension of the environmental ethics from the perspective of the ecozoic era 摘要西方著名生態思想家托馬斯?柏勵,針對地球現在所面臨的嚴峻危機,提出“生態紀”思想之給人類的可持續發展帶來了希望和可能,給環境倫理帶來了深層的生態紀倫理的理解。

Although the highest - goodness was the foundation of the conscience claimed by the ideologists in the middle ming dynasty , the philosophical proposition , that human - desire is the foundation of natural - principles and the criterion of good and evil should be replaced by one of reality and falsity , was led by the transition from mind to body 明中葉思想家所倡導的良知,雖仍然以潛隱的至善為根本,但由心到身的過渡必然引入以人欲為理之基礎、以真假代替善惡的哲學命題。

Named zou county but now zoucheng city , in south shandong province , with ages - old history and flourishing culture , is the born area of great ancient ideologist and educationists confucius and mencius , thus to have the name of hometown nation of confucian 鄒城市原名鄒縣,位于山東省南部,歷史悠久,文化燦爛,是我國古代偉大的思想家、教育家孔子、孟子的誕生地,素有“孔孟桑梓之邦”的美譽。

Combing with the relative writings of yan yuan who was an ideologist and educationalist in early qing dynasty , the enlightenment significance of yan yuan ' s educational thought to innovation of continuing education was described from several angles 摘要結合清初教育家、思想家顏元的相關著述,從多種角度揭示了顏元的教育思想對現代繼續教育創新的啟示意義。

With the development of social and civilization , crime is becoming a global social problem , many ideologists , from antiquity to today , have given a deep thought about it in china 隨著社會的發展、文明的進步,犯罪是越來越成為一個全球性的普遍的社會難題。在中國,從古至今,無數的思想家圍繞此問題進行了深入的思索。

Firstly , the cultaral backgrounds , which encouraged the aforementioned people to become enlightenment ideologists will be described and then the cultures of the east and the west will be stated 在這一部分首先簡單敘述了二人成為啟蒙思想家的文化背景,之后就對二人的東西文化觀進行了論述。

Of all ages , in order to resolve variety of problems , many politicians and ideologists have been wild about this issue , attempting to exhume some new value and significance 古往今來,有不少政治家和思想家都曾熱衷于探討這個問題,企圖從中發掘出新的價值和意義,以便用來解決現實中的種種問題。

The new explanation on the emotion and desire by the ideologists in the qing dynasty indicated that the evolvement of natural - principles was irreversible , and the seed of modem idea was already produced 清代思想家對情欲的新解表明,天理的流變已經不可逆轉,近代思想已經開始萌芽。

Ideologists and politicians all around the world have held forth from different angle some moral norms and requirements to restrain the civil servant ' s administrative behavior 古今中外的一些思想家、政治家均程度不同的提出了一些道德規范和要求,以約束公務員的行政行為。

As a notable ideologist in the modern history of china , liang shu - ming established his status just in the interaction of the three trends 作為中國近現代史上著名的思想家,梁漱溟是在與這三大思潮的互動中確立自己之思想地位的。

At the same time , i want to add the significance which they have made as great representative enlightenment ideologists in china - japan to date 同時也附加了他們作為中日啟蒙思想的兩位杰出的代表所具有的歷史意義。

Confucius and cicero were statesmen and ideologists of ancient china and rome 摘要孔子和西塞羅是古代中國和羅馬著名的政治家和思想家。

Confucius is one of ancient china ' s most famous ideologists and educators 摘要孔子是我國古代偉大的思想家、教育家。