
idealism n.1.理想主義。2.【哲學】唯心論,唯心主義,觀念論 ...


On the tint of idealism in the drama during the early period of yuan dynasty 元代科舉制度對元雜劇分期的影響綜述

Idealism , meditation thoughts and artistic ambit ' s coming into being and development 禪思與意境說的產生和發展

I never appreciated idealism before . yet i can t accept it 以前我從沒有欣賞過唯心主義,盡管我仍然接受不了。

Your idealism made you believe in the existence of supernatural beings 你的唯心論使你相信超自然生命的存在。

Between pragmatism and idealism : kong ngee s odd - couple films 理想與現實之間的男性塑像:光藝的難兄難弟電影

Equality of alienation - from equality concept of rousseau ' s political idealism 從盧梭政治理想中的平等觀說起

Pilot study of liu zhi ' s idealism in life and difference between liu zhi and zhu xi 兼論劉智和朱熹的區別

Jefferson ' s courage and idealism were based on knowledge 杰斐遜的勇氣和理想主義是建立在知識的基礎上的。

Work from grass roots , avoid idealism , and overcome reliant mind 從基層做起,避免理想主義,克服依賴心理。

An artist or a writer whose work is imbued with idealism 理想主義藝術家作品充滿了理想主義的藝術家或作家

An artist or a writer whose work is imbued with idealism 理想主義,是按和問題的距離成正比例而增大的。

Between rationalism and idealism - interpretation of feng you - lan ' s philosophy spirit 馮友蘭哲學精神詮釋

Idealism and realism - on the guiding ldeology of modern american diplomacy 淺析當代美國外交的指導思想

On mr he lin ' s theory system of cultural philosophy of new idealism 論賀麟新心學之文化哲學理論基礎

There was room , it was felt , for both idealism and hedonism 他們感到人要有點理想主義和樂天主義。

Tom ' s courage and idealism were based on knowledge 湯姆的勇氣和理想主義是以廣博的知識為基礎的。

The historical certain of hegel practical idealism producing 黑格爾實踐唯心主義產生的歷史必然性

Preliminary opinion on the practical idealism 試論實踐的唯心主義

My wife is writing a paper about subjective idealism 我妻子正在寫一篇關于主觀唯心主義的文章。