uploads/ice sucker.jpg

ice sucker 棒冰,冰棍。

ice water

I cried but really did not understand what she meant . it did not hurt much but i felt sad for the loss of my ice sucker 我哭了,其實我沒有聽懂媽媽說的話,也沒覺得痛,就是心疼那根冰棍兒。

The ice sucker fell out of my hand to a distance and i got hurt on my leg with bleeding 一不小心我被石頭絆了個大跟頭,手中的冰棍兒摔得老遠,腿也摔破了。

Grandma urged us to hurry up with our meals and promised to buy ice suckers for us 姥姥說趕緊吃飯,吃完飯給你們買冰棍兒去,我高興了。

So sister and i made a fuss after meal , begging for ice suckers 小時候我最愛吃冰棍兒了。吃完飯我和妹妹吵著要買冰棍兒。

Mom took us for buying ice suckers together with other delicious food 媽媽帶我們買了冰棍兒,還買了好多好吃的。