iaf IAF = International Astronau...
IAF = International Astronautical Federation 國際星際航空聯合會。 “iaf mla“ 中文翻譯: 互認協議“iaf image analysis facility“ 中文翻譯: 圖像分析設備“iaf initial approach fix“ 中文翻譯: 初始進近點“iaf international accreditation forum“ 中文翻譯: 國際認證論壇“iaf interworking agent function“ 中文翻譯: 互通代理功能“inflation adjustment factor ( iaf)“ 中文翻譯: 通貨膨脹膨脹調整系數“iaewp“ 中文翻譯: 國際教育工作者爭取世界和平協會; 教和協會“iaew“ 中文翻譯: 亞琛工業大學電力系統及能源經濟研究所“iaevg“ 中文翻譯: 國際教育與職業指導協會; 教職指導協會“iaeste“ 中文翻譯: 國際技術學生交換協會“iaes“ 中文翻譯: 國際內分泌外科協會
iago |
The players task is to control the center of the screen iaf aircraft , floated around the meteorite shooting , after their crushing the white diamonds collected . the next key counterparts around the aircraft directional movement , forward , back , left to the left , right to the right , pressing the space bar to the fire , can fire bullets as long as the shooting gray meteorites white diamonds will be there , it needs attention , not e 方向鍵上下左右對應飛機的四向移動, “上”為前進, “下”為后退, “左”為左轉, “右”為右轉,按下空格鍵為開火,子彈可以連發,只要射中灰色的隕石,就會有白色鉆石出現,需要注意的是,并非每顆隕石擊碎都會出現鉆石,有時還會夾雜著一些碎片,玩家需要操縱飛機躲開碎片,否則會扣去飛機的能量槽。 |
This paper comes from a project which is to design and produce a new automatic control system to replace an i . a . f system runned by guangzhou iron factory . the older i . a . f system was produced by u . s . a . its maintain cost is too high and its running effect is not satisfied enough . the new systerm is an artificial one . tested by many experiments , it is justified that it can improve many important characteristics and strengthen manegement 廣鋼40t電弧爐上原有一套美國的iaf控制系統,但由于運行時間較長并且維護費用較高,電弧爐運行的經濟指標較差,三相電流不穩定,不平衡,強吹ar時電流沖擊大,冶煉時間長,電耗高,生產管理,工藝管理有待進一步加強,為向標準化方向發展,特為廣鋼40t電弧爐重新設計智能控制系統。 |
Inheriting from iaf tradition , this conference is accomplished with tremendous volunteer efforts . all the committee members and presenters contribute their time and effort without charge . on top of that , they pay their own registration fee like other participants to come to the conference 承襲國際引導者協會的傳統,這次華人引導者年會所有工作都是以志工奉獻方式完成,所有發表人均不收費用,貢獻出他們可貴的經驗,為的是降低參與門檻,年會的費用是以成本分攤的原則計算,不論志工或是發表人均與任何參與者一樣要交報名費,共同創造學習的平臺。 |
9 . the extraction of nitric acid with tibopda and tbopda causes great shifts for the absorption peaks of both carboxyl group and ether group of the complex compound in ir spectrum . for the complex compound of eu , u and th , graet shift occurs only in the wave range of carboxyl group . the ethe 本工作中求出的np ( v )在低酸下歧化平衡常數未見文獻報道,對iaf料液中的鋒在調價后用加入尿素的辦法將其穩定在不易被草取的五價,在 |
Secondly , to stimulate international and interregional participation in these conferences , we seek sponsorship upon request for qualified iaf members who live outside our region to attend our conference 另外,為了激發國際參與,我們收到住在其他國家的引導者協會成員的申請時,會尋求贊助廠商與經費頒發獎學金。 |
Iaf conference 2003 is projected to have a record - setting attendance of 1 , 200 participants . from iaf website , 2003 chinese facilitators conference affiliated with the international association of facilitator 到了2000年多倫多全球年會已經吸引到超過1100人。預估2003年年會將會吸引破紀錄的1200人。 |
Her previous contribution to iaf asian conferences as a presenter are : 2001 penang - open space technology and 2002 kuching - participatory decision making tool 過去逸臻曾經帶領引導的亞洲區研討會包括: iaf亞洲研討會2001年(檳城) -開放空間科技; 2002 (古晉) -參與性決策工具。 |
Iaf members have developed a statement of values and ethics for group facilitators , a major achievement for the organization and profession 國際引導者協會的會員完成了一份對于團隊引導者的價值宣言以及道德標準,這對協會及引導專業是一項關鍵的貢獻。 |
Forums were held at iaf conference 2001 minnesota and workshops and discussions were held at regional conferences and on regional electronic discussion groups 在iaf2001明尼蘇達年會中舉行了相關的論壇、工作坊及討論。 |
In 1994 , 75 people became charter members in alexandria , virginia . iaf conference 2000 in toronto brought together more than 1 , 100 participants 1994年七十五位創始會員在維吉尼亞的亞歷山卓,創立了國際引導者協會。 |
Iaf provides people with multiple conferences , career development opportunities and professional publications 國際引導者協會組織各種會議、提供引導者生涯發展以及專業刊物的出版。 |
Iaf is actively engaged in linking with local practitioners and facilitation groups around the world 區域的會議每年也在歐洲、亞洲、澳洲/紐西蘭以及南美洲各個新的地點舉行。 |
Several iaf long - term sponsors and partners have had facilitators certified in the past two years 數個iaf長期贊助廠商以及合作伴已經在過去兩年認證許多內部的引導師。 |
Additional assessments will take place in north america and europe throughout the year and at iaf conference 2003 ottawa 下一次的認證將在2003年渥太華年會前舉行。 |
Has not received a prior scholarship from iaf or the chinese facilitator conference 以前并沒有接收過國際引導者協會或是華人引導者協會的獎學金 |
The first set of assessments in north america took place in toronto at iaf conference 2000 第一次北美洲的認證在2000年多倫多舉行。 |
Iaf international automobile federation 國際汽車聯合會 |
Iaf is at the front line of a growing profession 國際引導者協會站在一門新的專業的前線。 |
Iaf statement of values and code of ethics 國際引導者協會價值宣言以及道德標準: |