
hypotaxis n.【語法】(句法中)從屬結構,主從關系〔如主句與從句等...


Including five main doctrines and its limitation about the civil priority theoretically for the moment ; its five leading features are legal quality of priority , preference quality of priority , vouch quality of priority , hypotaxis quality of priority , impartibility quality of priority ; four situations which can perish the civil priority are preponderate over the time efficacity , naturally extinguished of priority ’ s objective , adhered creditor ’ s right died out , compelled alienation of priority ’ s objective ; enumerating the material provision on civil priority in our laws , and carrying through the brief conclude to the range of civil priority which combined some elements of common civil law 包括我國目前理論界對民事優先權概念的五種主要學說及其局限;民事優先權的五種主要特征即優先權的法定性、優先性、擔保性、從屬性和不可分性;民事優先權的消滅的四種情形即超過時效、優先權標的物自然滅失、依附的債權消滅、優先權標的物的強制轉讓;列舉了我國法律中有關民事優先權的具體規定,并結合一般民法原理對民事優先權的順位進行了簡要歸納。

So the dissertation clarified the hypotaxis between torpedo system and torpedo weapon system firstly , then expatiated the evaluation elements , evaluation characteristics , generic contents , generic process and the station in the process of torpedo investigation . 2 針對此點,本文從魚雷系統和魚雷武器系統的關系出發,明確了魚雷總體方案評估的評估要素、評估特點、一般內容、一般過程以及在魚雷研制過程中的地位,夯實了本文理論研究的基礎。

The text - perspective study of the two languages reveals the relativity of hypotaxis and parataxis : that is , while english is featured by hypotaxis and chinese by parataxis , it does not mean that parataxis is totally excluded from english or hypotaxis is absolutely rejected in chinese 從語篇的角度考察漢英語言意合和形合,揭示了形合與意合的相對性:英語重形合,漢語重意合,但并不意味著英語完全不使用意合或漢語一概排斥形合。

This paper , adopting a dialectical point of view and methodology , addresses the strategies of translation between the two languages in the light of the dialectical relationship between hypotaxis and parataxis and the respective textual features of english and chinese 本文用辯證法的觀點和方法,根據形合和意合的辯證關系和英漢語篇章的特點,探討其翻譯策略。

The paper holds that middles in english and chinese have some semantic properties in common , and the differences are shaped because of hypotaxis of english and parataxis of chinese 英漢語中動結構所表述的基本語義特征是相同的,而它們的差異是由英漢語不同的語言屬性決定的。

On the hypotaxis tendency in english and parataxis tendency in chinese and their application in translation 從英漢句式結構的差異談英漢互譯

Hypotaxis and parataxis - on translation from the difference between english and chinese sentence structure 形合與意合的比較及英漢諺語翻譯

The hypotaxis and parataxis and the syntactic transformation in english - chinese translation 形合意合與英譯漢過程中的句法結構轉換

On comparisons and translation of e c sentences in terms of hypotaxis and parataxis 英漢思維差異與翻譯中語篇銜接的形合與意合

On formal correspondence of tcm c e : translation in terms of hypotaxis and parataxis 從形合和意合看中醫漢英翻譯中的形式對應

An inquiry into the difference between chinese and english hypotaxis and parataxis 英語與漢語的形合和意合的差異性探究

Philosophical thinking on hypotaxis and parataxis between chinese and english languages 漢語意合與英語形合的哲學思考

Division in translation of english into chinese in terms of hypotaxis and parataxis 從意合和形合論英譯漢中的拆譯

Hypotaxis and parataxis : translation between english and chinese proverbs 從形合和意合看英漢句子對比與翻譯

Comparison of hypotaxis and parataxis in english and chinese and its translation 意合的英漢對比與翻譯

Hypotaxis stability analysis of seem - continum medium slope 似連續介質邊坡從屬穩定性的數值試驗研究

Application in e - c oral interpretation of hypotaxis and parataxis 形合與意合在英漢口譯中的運用

On hypotaxis of english and chinese - english translation 基于漢英雙語語料庫的漢英詞典編撰研究