
hypophosphite n.【化學】次磷酸鹽。


An electroless nickel process with sodium hypophosphite as reducing agents in alkaline bath , which is applied on polyurethane foam substrate , was studied in detail in this paper 本文采用聚氨酯海綿為基體材料,以次磷酸鈉為還原劑,在堿性化學鍍鎳溶液中對低磷化學鍍鎳磷合金工藝進行了詳細的研究。

With glucose as electron donor , the efficiency of phosphate reduction was twice as high as that of hypophosphite reduction at the same amount of electron donor 以葡萄糖作為電子供體,比較了磷酸鹽和次亞磷酸鹽的還原情況。

Methods for chemical analysis of iron , steel and alloy . the hypophosphite reduction - iodimetric method for the determination of arsenic content 鋼鐵及合金化學分析方法次磷酸鈉還原-碘量法測定砷量

Sodium hypophosphite for industrial use 工業次磷酸鈉

The hypophosphite reduction - iodimetric method for the determination of arsenic content 碘量法測定砷量