
hyoscyamus n.【植物;植物學】天仙子,韭沃斯〔一種茄科有毒植物〕。


The cuticular membrane in the species of physochlaina is simultaneously striate , granular and scaly , while only striate , or occasionally granular in the species of hyoscyamus . 2 . seed morpholoy seed morphology of 25 species in seven genera of the tribe hyoscyameae and three related genera was investigated under sem for the first time 種子形態學在掃描電子顯微鏡下首次全面研究了天仙子族及顛茄屬和茄參屬等共10屬25種植物的種子形態學特征,結果表明:該族植物種子表面紋飾有腦紋狀或近腦紋狀和網狀兩大類,除了山莨菪屬anisodus和hyoscyamus

In the 25 species examined , the epidermal cells fall into four types in terms of their shape and the pattern of the anticlinal wal ls . these types correlate to some extent with features of gross morphology , palynology and plant geography of the ten genera studied . features of cuticular membrane can be used to differentiate clearly the two genera physochlaina and hyoscyamus , and some species within them 顛茄葉表皮細胞形狀和垂周壁式樣在一些屬和種中有一定的規律性,并與外部形態、孢粉學性狀或地理分布相關;葉片表面角質膜的特征對屬和種的劃分也有一定意義。

The surface structure of the seeds is cerebelloid , or nearly so in anisodus and hyoscyamus pusillus , and reticulate in all the remaining genera and species . the testa cells fall into two types in terms of their shape and pattern of the cell walls . in one type the testa cells are from polygonal to suborbicular in shape , isometric , with the cell walls being nearly straight , and in the other the testa cells are irregular in shape , often not isometric , with the cell walls being variously sinuate 外種皮細胞形狀和周壁式樣有兩大類,一類為多邊形至近圓形,等徑,周壁近平直,另一類為形狀不規則,常不等徑,周壁為各式波狀:外種皮細胞周壁內側有皺波狀、瘤狀、小顆粒、片狀或小刺等各式附屬物。

The type of stomatal apparatuses is a good character to distinguish between some genera , such as hyoscyamus , anisodus , atropanthe and atropa 氣孔器類型可以作為區分部分屬的依據之一。