
hyena 短語和例子hyena, hyaenan.1.【動物;動物...


The evidence he and his colleagues have uncovered , he says , suggests that one player in that drama may have been a most unlikely , and yet terrifying , villain . the hyena 他說他和同事們發現的證據表明,在這個戲劇中扮演角色的很可能是令人難以置信的,然而又是令人感到恐怖的一種野獸- -鬣狗。

The sanctuary provides excellent viewing opportunities for rhinos and many other types of wildlife including zebra , wildebeest , heartbeest , gemsbok , leopard , brown hyena and jackal 保護區提供了觀賞犀牛,還有斑馬、黑尾牛羚、麋羚、大羚羊、美洲豹、棕鬣狗和胡狼等野生動物的絕好機會。

How do you stay alive in a landscape filled with stronger predators , where lions or hyenas will kill your offspring , and jackals or vultures will steal your food 如果在你的生活環境中,到處都是更強的捕食者,獅子土狼會殺死你的孩子、胡狼和禿鷲會搶走你的食物,你該如何求生存呢?

By hades , i will not have any client of mine gagged and badgered in this fashion by a pack of curs and laughing hyenas . the mosaic code has superseded the law of the jungle 我對冥王哈得斯發誓,絕不能允許我的辯護委托人像這樣被一幫野狗和大笑著的鬣狗所玩弄,而且還不準他發言。

When the dead rotting in the maize fields or pulled apart in the wilds by hyenas are eventually counted , over 1 , 000 kenyans are likely to have been killed since the election 當最終計算腐爛在玉米地里或在野外被土狼分尸的死者時,發現自大選以來的肯尼亞人死亡數竟超過了一千人。

[ niv ] desert creatures will meet with hyenas , and wild goats will bleat to each other ; there the night creatures will also repose and find for themselves places of rest 14 [和合]曠野的走獸,要和豺狼相遇;野山羊,要與伴偶對叫。夜間的怪物,必在那里棲身,自找安歇之處。

The success of drunken master gave jackie more control over his films , and he directed and choreographed his next , and last , film for lo wei , 1979 s fearless hyena 成常被導演選上,因為他年輕,身手靈活,且勇于嘗試。導演都樂意用他,有什么高難度動作,就會想起陳元。

Moreover , from being so long in twilight or darkness , his eyes had acquired the faculty of distinguishing objects in the night , common to the hyena and the wolf 而且,由于長久生活在昏暗的地方,他的眼睛早已變得象鬣狗和狼的眼睛一樣,具有能在黑夜里辨別東西的能力。

Therefore desert animals will dwell there with hyenas , and ostriches will dwell in her . it will not be inhabited forever ; it will not be dwelt in from generation to generation 39所以曠野的走獸和豺狼必住在那里,鴕鳥也住在其中。那里必永無居民,世世代代無人居住。

Desert creatures will meet with hyenas , and wild goats will bleat to each other ; there the night creatures will also repose and find for themselves places of rest 14 [和合]曠野的走獸,要和豺狼相遇;野山羊,要與伴偶對叫。夜間的怪物,必在那里棲身,自找安歇之處。

Desert creatures will meet with hyenas , and wild goats will bleat to each other ; there the night creatures will also repose and find for themselves places of rest 14曠野的走獸,要和豺狼相遇。野山羊,要與伴偶對叫。夜間的怪物,必在那里棲身,自找安歇之處。

But the sassenach tried to starve the nation at home while the land was full of crops that the british hyenas bought and sold in rio de janeiro 然而撤克遜的混蛋們處心積慮地要把本國老百姓餓死。當時遍地都是糧食,貪婪的英國人買下來,賣到里約熱內盧去。

We walk over paw prints , perhaps of a brown hyena that trod here sometime in the past several years when a summer rain turned the surface to mud 我們踏過一些動物的腳印,這可能是幾年前一場夏季豪雨把沙地變成泥地時,一只棕色土狼恰好經過留下的。

Eventually , the humans found the bridge across the bering sea , about 2 , 000 years before the hyenas themselves , along with many other larger animals , died out 最后,在鬣狗和許多大型動物滅絕前2 , 000年左右的時間,人們發現了橫穿白令海峽的橋。

Whether it was a troop of baboons that tried to drag both mother and daughter out of their den , or the lurking hyenas , death was never far away 不管是來自一群狒狒想要從他們的巢穴中拖出母女,還是遭到鬣狗的埋伏等,死亡從不是一件太遠的事。

Hyenas will respond in their citadels , and jackals in their exquisite palaces . her time is about to come , and her days will not be prolonged 22豺狼必在巴比倫的宮中呼應,野狗必在華美的殿內呼號。巴比倫受罰的時候臨近,她的日子必不久延。

“ so desert creatures and hyenas will live there , and there the owl will dwell . it will never again be inhabited or lived in from generation to generation 39所以曠野的走獸和豺狼必住在那里,鴕鳥也住在其中,永無人煙,世世代代無人居住。

[ niv ] hyenas will howl in her strongholds , jackals in her luxurious palaces . her time is at hand , and her days will not be prolonged 22 [和合]豺狼必在他宮中呼號,野狗必在他華美殿內吼叫;巴比倫受罰的時候臨23近,他的日子必不長久。

Motionlessly she lay there on the ground , but the odor of saliva left on her body when fighting against the hyenas got ? ajiaxia ' s notice 可是,阿加西的鼻子忽然抽動了一下,它聞到了蓮娜身上和鬣狗搏斗時沾染的獵狗的口水的味道。