
hydronephrosis n.【醫學】腎盂積水膨出。


The ct findings of complicated appendicitis were : abscess formation at correlate anatomical spaces ( 95 . 2 % ) , pericecal inflammation ( 57 . 1 % ) , appendicolith ( 38 . 1 % ) , an abnormal appendix ( 28 . 6 % ) , paralytic ileus ( 33 . 3 % ) , mechanical ileus ( 9 . 5 % ) , pylephlebitis of portal vein or smv ( 9 . 5 % ) and right obstructive hydronephrosis ( 4 . 8 % ) 盲腸或闌尾附近之膿瘍及其他相伴隨之發現于有合并癥之闌尾炎最常見,藉著充分了解闌尾于解剖上之變異及了解闌尾膿瘍之發展路徑,我們可高度建議闌尾炎之診斷。

We report on a 52 - year - old man who was incidentally found to have ectopic prostatic tissue in the left lower ureter during intrauretral lithotripsy for a left lower ureteral stone with hydronephrosis 摘要一位52歲的病人因為左側遠端輸尿管結石合并腎水腫接受輸尿管內碎石術時偶然發現在左側遠端輸尿管有異位性攝護腺組織。

Imaging findings of retroperitoneal fibrosis were shown , including diffuse plaque or mass , involvement of retroperitoneal organs , most acompanied by hydronephrosis and dilatation of the ureters 影像學表現為腹膜后彌漫性斑塊或腫塊及腹膜后臟器的受累,多伴有腎盂積水和輸尿管擴張。

A long - standing obstruction ( probably congenital ) at the ureteral orifice through which the metal probe passes led to the marked hydroureter and hydronephrosis seen here 用金屬探針指示了在輸尿管口的長期阻塞(可能是先天性的) 。此處明顯腎盂積水和輸尿管積水由阻塞引起。

Ultrasonography ? ? this will reveal the degree of dilatation of the renal pelvis and calices and allows for diagnosis of hydronephrosis in the prenatal period 超聲顯像:它可展示腎盂及腎盞的擴大程度,及可在胎兒期診斷腎積水。

This abdominal ct scan with contrast demonstrates right hydronephrosis and hydroureter as a consequence of ureteral obstruction 腹部增強ct顯示輸尿管阻塞導致右(圖左側)腎盂和輸尿管積水。

Retrospective analysis of slight and moderate hydronephrosis in 58 spinal cord injured patients 58例脊髓損傷合并輕中度腎積水的臨床分析

Renal ultrasound showed bilateral enlargement without hydronephrosis 腎臟超音波顯示雙側腎腫大且無水腎。