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hydrogen sulphide 硫化氫。


The epd s long - term monitoring data indicates that the electrochemical potential of the sediment at sam ka tsuen typhoon shelter which reflects its oxygen content was substantially raised became less negative as a result of the bio - remediation programme , and the total sulphide level hydrogen sulphide gas , the source of the bad odour was significantly reduced 環保署的長期監測數據顯示,三家村避風塘的沉積物經生化處理后,其電化學勢反映水含氧量大幅提高負數值降低,而總硫化物水平導致臭味的硫化氫氣體來源則明顯下降。

In 2005 , 61 physical and chemical parameters were measured and analysed in sediments . these included particle size , electrochemical potential as highly anoxic sediment with negative potential is related to organic pollution , chemical oxygen demand which indicates organic pollutants , total sulphide inorganic constituents , source of the unpleasant - smelling gas hydrogen sulphide , 15 metals and metalloids aluminium , arsenic , barium , boron , cadmium , chromium , copper , iron , lead , manganese , mercury , nickel , silver , vanadium and zinc , and trace toxic organics pahs and pcbs - 16 compounds and 18 congeners respectively 2005年,沉積物監測包括分析61種物理及化學參數,其中有粒子大小電化學勢有機污染促使沉積物缺氧,而讓電化學勢呈負數值化學需氧量顯示有機污染程度總硫化物無機物,是造成難聞氣體硫化氫的主因15種金屬及準金屬鋁砷鋇硼鎘鉻銅鐵鉛錳汞鎳銀釩及鋅和痕量毒性有機物多環芳烴及多氯聯苯分別為16種復合物及18種同質物。

They are sulphide and free hydrogen sulphide . from 1989 , selected monitoring stations also monitored e . coli and faecal coliforms , which indicate faecal contamination from domestic sewage and animal waste . these two bacterial parameters were extended to all stations from 1999 自1989年開始,部分河溪監測站開始監測大腸桿菌及糞大腸菌群以顯示住宅污水及動物糞便所造成的水污染其后在1999年起,所有監測站均測試此兩項細菌參數。

One of the most noticeable problems associated with water pollution is the bad smell of polluted water , an odour problem occurring when hydrogen sulphide gas is released from sediment that is rich in organic matter and low in oxygen 政府多年來一直致力解決避風塘水質污染問題,其中較易為市民察覺的一項就是臭味問題。臭味的成因是海床沉積物中的有機物質過高和含氧量低,因而形成硫化氫這類難聞的氣體。

The current test method of heavy metals in edible alcohol is adopted colorimetric method using hydrogen sulphide saturated solution as colorific agent , this method is toxic , disagreeable odour , contaminated , overlaborated and time expended 摘要食用酒精重金屬檢驗方法目前是采用飽和硫化氫溶液作顯色劑的比色測定法,該法毒性大、氣味難聞、污染嚴重、繁瑣、耗時。

In the first stage , anaerobic hydrogen depolarization is predominant and produced iron oxide corrosion product layer ; in the second stage , due to bio - produced hydrogen sulphide , iron oxide was biomineralized and translated iron sulphide 初期是厭氧條件下的氫去極化,生成氧化物產物層;然后在srb代謝產生的h2s作用下,發生氧化物到硫化物的轉變。

Here could be methane , hydrogen sulphide and other toxic gases in confined spaces like manholes and sewers . before starting work , it s necessary to conduct a risk assessment and air testing by a competent person 沙井和地下污水渠這些密閉空間會有沼氣硫化氫等毒氣,開工作前要由合資格人士做危險評估,同埋空氣測試

Sampling and analysis of nickel , ferronickel and nickel alloys - method for determination of sulphur in nickel by methylene blue molecular absorption spectrometry after generation of hydrogen sulphide 鎳鎳鐵和鎳合金的取樣與分析.第6部分:硫化氫產生后用甲藍分子吸收光譜測定法測定鎳中硫的方法

The main problems are related to seepage of carbon dioxide , hydrogen sulphide , radon and other gases from soil cavities directly into indoor air through perforations in the structure 主要的問題在于二氧化碳、硫化氫、氡氣和其它的氣體從土壤的縫隙中直接透過建筑物滲入室內的空氣中。

A new method was introduced in this paper : the practability of adopting sodium sulphide instead of hydrogen sulphide for colorific agent has been studied and determinated the optium test condition 研究了采用硫化鈉溶液取代硫化氫作為顯色劑的可行性,并確定了最佳的測定條件。

Electrical ingeneering ; basic environmental testing procedures ; tests ; guidance to test kd : hydrogen sulphide hs high concentration for electrical contacts and connections ; identical with iec 60068 - 2 - 46 , edition 1982 電器技術.基本環境試驗規程.試驗.試驗kd指南:觸點和

Hydrogen sulphide odour . objectionable taste and odour due to the presence of hydrogen sulphide resulting from the reduction of sulphur or of sulphur dioxide 硫化氫味:由于葡萄酒中的硫或二氧化硫被還原成硫化氫,而產生的一種惡劣口感和令人討厭的氣味。

Hydroge sulphide odour . objectionable taste and odour due to the presence of hydrogen sulphide resulting from the reduction of sulphur of of sulphur dioxide 硫化氫味:由于葡萄酒中的硫或二氧化硫被還原成硫化氫,而產生的一種惡劣口感和令人討厭的氣味。

Researchers then took saliva and tongue coating samples to measure bacteria levels and odour - causing compounds , including hydrogen sulphide 然后研究者們提取了他們唾液和舌苔的樣本,用于測量(口腔內的)細菌水平和能誘發異味的化合物,如硫化氫。

Researchers then took saliva and tongue coating samples to measure bacteria levels and odour - causing compounds , including hydrogen sulphide 然后研究者們提取了他們唾液和舌苔的樣本,用于測量口腔內的細菌水平和能誘發異味的化合物,如硫化氫。

These gases present a health hazard , and hydrogen sulphide , which is particularly corrosive , may cause problems electrical and electronic systems 這些氣體會導致一些健康危害,特別是具腐蝕性的硫化氫,可能會導致電器設備或電子系統發生問題。

Japanese researchers found eating the yoghurt reduced levels of hydrogen sulphide - a major cause of bad breath - in 80 % of printed bag ( paris ) 倭國研究者們發現多喝酸奶可以減少80 %的受試者體內的硫化氫含量,而硫化氫是口腔異味的主要誘因。

Japanese researchers found eating the yoghurt reduced levels of hydrogen sulphide - a major cause of bad breath - in 80 % of printed bag ( paris ) 日本研究者們發現多喝酸奶可以減少80 %的受試者體內的硫化氫含量,而硫化氫是口腔異味的主要誘因。

Methods for analysis of high purity copper cathode cu - cath - 1 - method for determination of sulphur by hydrogen sulphide evolution and spectrophotometry 高純度銅陰極cu - cath - 1分析方法.第5部分:采用硫化氫析出和分光光度法對硫的測定方法