
hyaluronidase n.【生物化學】玻黏胺糖酸酶。


In the dyestuff spreading test in rats , the authors found a statistically significant inhibition of the hyaluronidase activity , which means that the spreading of inflammation was prevented 對大鼠進行染色試驗,作者發現多磺酸粘多糖能顯著抑制透明質酸酶的活性,從而能預防炎癥的擴散。

The antiedemic , antiexudative and absorption promoting action of mps is a result of its inhibiting effect on hyaluronidase and its ability to increase local blood flow 多磺酸粘多糖由于能抑制透明質酸酶并能增加局部血供而能促進水腫吸收。