
hyades n.〔pl.〕【天文學】(金牛宮中的)畢(宿)星團。


The classes , methods and attributes in the hyades package are virtually identical , with only some minor changes have been made to the xml serialization code known at time of writing 這些hyades包中的類、方法和屬性事實上是完全相同的,只是在寫xml序列化代碼的時候有微小的改動。

In chapter 3 , an 1 - d hydrodynamic code - hyades is utilized to simulate shocks in direct laser illumination or flyer impact 在第三章,利用一維流體力學程序對不同的實驗條件進行了分析,得到一些沖擊波的基本特征,給出了靶的設計原則。

The location of these classes changes in the production release , due to use of the cbe classes in the eclipse tools hyades project 因為在eclipse tools hyades project中使用cbe類,這些類的位置在產品發布版中發生了改變。

In appendixes , the validity of applying hyades simulation to our experiments is analyzed 在附錄里簡要介紹了一維流體力學程序hyades的使用方法并驗證了模擬結果的正確性。

For more information on the cbe specification and the hyades project , refer to the 要獲取cbe規范和hyades項目的更多信息,請參閱本文末尾部分的

You may choose which systems can access the hyades data collection engine 您可以選擇哪些系統可以訪問hyades數據收集引擎。