
hussy n.1.輕佻的女子,蕩婦。2.魯莽的女子。


“ she hath good skill at her needle , that s certain , “ remarked one of her female spectators ; “ but did ever a woman , before this brazen hussy , contrive such a way of showing it ! why , gossips , what is it but to laugh in the faces of our godly magistrates , and make a pride out of what they , worthy gentlemen , meant for a punishment ? “她倒做得一手好針線,這是不用說的, ”一個旁觀的女人說, “這個厚臉皮的淫婦居然想到用這一手來顯示自己,可真是從來汲見過我說,婆娘們,這純粹是當面笑話我們那些規規矩矩的宮老爺,這不是借火入先生們判的刑罰來大出風頭嗎? ”

At some moments , recalling how completely marguerite had given herself to me , i asked myself by what right had i written her an impertinent letter when she could quite well reply that it was not monsieur de g who was deceiving me but i who was deceiving monsieur de g ? which is an argument which allows many a woman to have more than one lover . at other moments , recalling the hussy s solemn oaths , i tried to convince myself that my letter had been far too mild and that there were no words strong enough to scourge a woman who could laugh at love as sincere as mine 一會兒我想起了瑪格麗特是怎樣委身于我的,我自問我究竟有什么權利寫這樣一封唐突無禮的信給她,她可以回答我說不是g先生欺騙了我,而是我欺騙了g先生,一些情人眾多的女人都是這樣為自己辯解的一會兒我又想起了這個姑娘的誓言,我要使自己相信我的信寫得還是太客氣,那里面并沒有什么嚴厲的字句足以懲罰一個玩弄我純潔的愛情的女人。

If the hussy stood up for judgment before us five , that are now here in a knot together , would she come off with such a sentence as the worshipful magistrates have awarded 要是那個破靶站在眼下咱們這五個姐們兒跟前聽候判決,她能夠帶著那些可敬的官老爺們賞給她的判決溜過去嗎?

Hateful , disgusting , in my house , the nasty hussy , only im sorry for her father ! marya dmitryevna was thinking , trying to allay her wrath “卑劣下流在我家中,有個壞姑娘只是可憐她的父親啊! ”瑪麗亞德米特里耶夫娜力圖息怒,心中想道。

How darest th laugh at me , hussy ! she cried . i couldn t really help it when toothers did , apologized tess , still tittering “大家都笑,我也實在忍不住了, ”苔絲向她道歉說,嘴里還在嗤嗤地笑著。

Streetwalking and soliciting . better for your mother take the strap to you at the bedpost , hussy like you 像你這么個蕩婦,就欠你媽沒把你捆在床柱子上,用皮帶抽你一頓。

Hey , the hussy , here she is ! pierre heard at the end of the shed the same caressing voice “喲,壞東西,你來啦! ”皮埃爾聽到棚子那一頭傳來那同一個柔情的聲音。

Turn back ! shouted the exasperated officer to the soldier : turn back with your hussy ! sir , protect us 兇惡的軍官對士兵喊道, “你跟你的邋遢女人轉回頭去。 ”

Hey , awkward hussy ! he added reproachfully to a cannon ball that hit a wheel and a mans leg 他對著一顆打在炮輪上和一個人腿上的炮彈罵道。

You brazen hussy 你這個不要臉的婊子

“ if you think i ' m a bold hussy , that ' s too bad , “ said rhoda , “如果你把我當作魯莽的冒失鬼,那可要叫我難受了。 ”羅達說。

“ cler out from here , you hussy , er i ll take a skillet to ye ! “你們這些娘兒們,給我滾,要不,我可要罵你們一頓啦。 ”

Drunken hussies 3 , backdoor patrol 5 and mona lisa smile . thank you 醉女人3 ,后門探索5 ,蒙娜麗莎的微笑,謝謝您!

She is a brazen hussy 她是個厚顏無恥的賤婦。

- i heard her say “ your mama . “ - hey , calm down , hussies -我聽她在說“你媽媽的” -野丫頭們別鬧了

I heard her say “ your mama . “ - hey , calm down , hussies 我聽她在說“你媽媽的” -野丫頭們別鬧了

Why , the little hussy , shes curled up “喲,壞東西,縮成一團了。

Here she is , the hussy ; she remembers me “你來啦,壞東西,還記得我!

Besides , the cart is behind . you artful hussy “你這個耍滑頭的野丫頭!